Dear Family & Friends,
The MTC continues to be a Heaven on Earth:):):) This week went by so fast I'm having a hard time remembering what I should tell you! Hahaha! But first I got to tell you about all the people here at the MTC. They said that there are currently about 4,000 missionaries (1,850 Sisters) where there used to be only 2,000 missionaries (400 sisters). Dynamics have shifted a lot! But for the 4,000 missionaries here there are over 4,000 employees at the Provo MTC. It is incredible what gets done in one day:)
Sister Butler is from the other district called to the Marshall Island Mission speaking Marshallese but I see her all the time. The first time we met we spent an hour trying to figure out how we knew each other...then it clicked, we're just Soul Sisters:) We talk like we've been best friends for years, and I know I know her. That happened with Sister H (my companion) and Sister Butler's companion Sister Seegmiller, they just know each other! It's crazy! There are two Elders in my district who are seriously twins separated at birth because they act JUST LIKE EACH OTHER. It's happened a lot around here we don't just act like family because we sit in the same tiny room for hours, and hours, although that is true. We had a district meeting and talked of how we all got to be here and the stories were crazy! Our district leader, Elder Maisey got his mission delayed for ten months and they never told him why. Another Elder got called to come a couple months early, and another one called the Mission Office and changed his date to come earlier to get back in time for a semester of school. It's a miracle how District 52-F came to be, but I'm pretty positive it wasn't planned on this side of the veil.
A Story from this week:
Sister McDaniel and I were planning for a lesson with our investigator, Terawaa. We were teaching about the Atonement of Jesus Christ and repentance for our third lesson with him. Our lessons have been really good with him, and he follows through with all of our commitments so I really wanted to include a soft invitation to be baptized (**Soft invitation: Not setting a date, but encouraging to think about and start preparing for baptism.) Sister McDaniel agreed but five minutes before the lesson asked if we should really bring up baptism if we haven't even taught him what it is. I replied that he has a Christian background, and I thought it would help him really push along with his conversion process (We only get five visits). We talked back and forth, I was really pushing to bring up baptism and she was really against it and time was short. We started to get really impatient with each other and did not have the Spirit with us. TIME CRUNCH. We gave ourselves one minute to breathe, and then started talking again if we should or shouldn't and our investigator was almost here. Every time we teach, we start with a prayer so after our prayer Sister McDaniel looked up at me smiling and said, "Sister Johnson, I was thinking, do you want to ask him to be baptized?" I was so thrilled! And right then our investigator came and we started teaching. I was glowing excited! The whole lesson I just couldn't wait to ask him. (We had spent hours memorizing the **seriously long** baptism invitation. I asked him, "Terawaa, Ko kukurei ni ira ana, katoto Jesus Kristo n te, ara ma te na babatitoaki aroun te aomata n te......(it keeps going and going).....te bong ai?" He was smiling because I was smiling and said, "E tuai, e tuai iroun aeng." which means: "I'm not ready, I'm not ready, but yes." Man alive. I realize now how important having the Spirit is! Sister McDaniel and I kept our "argument" all very contained but you have got to be on the same spiritual wave length as a companionship to invite our other companion, The Holy Ghost, to teach the lesson. It was such a big moment for me because I was so frustrated at my companion because I knew I wanted to bring baptism up but she didn't want to at all and I had four minutes to: #1. Get in tune with the Spirit. #2. Get humble enough to not want a baptism commitment for me, but listen to our investigators needs. #3. Feel charity (COMPLETE LOVE) for my companion and #4. Ask for forgiveness for having a short temper. Anyone who knows me knows that if something like that happens I refuse to talk about it in the moment. I can't handle talking about an argument that just happened; I need time to calm down, maybe even sleep on it, and then I'm ready to talk. It really pushed me out of my comfort zone to have an argument and deal with it right after it happened but I thought about the counsel that Devan gave to Crissy, "You don't need to put emotion into every argument you have. Just talk about it." (along the lines of that, so thanks Devan :)
Now for, "The Funnies / Keep Sister Johnson sane / If you don't laugh you're going to cry MOMENTS":
1. This one cracks me up. Hahahah. Alright. We were teaching our other investigator Benoka and things weren't going to well. He could NOT understand our Kiribati, and we definitely didn't understand his. He wasn't acting interested and didn't even make eye contact with us. We struggled throughout the main portion of our lesson and Sister McDaniel asked him to read a scripture and he said no. We asked him to pray, he said no. He said something to us, but we couldn't figure it out. We were sitting on the edge of our chairs, trying so hard to get this man to act interested in what we had to say. After an awkward five minute pause, Sister McDaniel was so discouraged and frustrated that she threw her elbows on her knees and face in her hands and didn't realize but she was in more of a rocking chair type chair and fell over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahhahahahhahahaha. Oh it was so awkward. So funny though. So funny.
2. Latest find in the dictionary! batokiaa: a man with extraordinary strength, like to kill a dolphin or whale. Hahaha, what?
Well last thing: we made a dictionary! Our goal is to learn 15 words a day (so much harder than you would think) and we finally got enough to laminate! So we started our little dictionary of Kiribati.
Much much much love,
Sister Johnson.
Thank you for your prayers, I can feel them!