Hallo Hallo!
Lot's of news from Tarawa..the first being, I'm getting transferred with Sister Lavulavu to a new area!!!!! We're not only whitewashing...but we're taking over the Sisters and the Elders old area. Woooooooow! I'm so excited! It was really weird and hard to say goodbye to our old ward and our investigators...I just wanted to take a picture of every person I met in our area so I would remember them..but they'll all be in my heart:) A new area means all new people to learn about, to love, and to help build. I have some game plans about how to do better, mainly MORE TEACHING from Sister J. I stay pretty quiet in the lessons, but I've got to GOT to find the courage to open my mouth....The other day I was getting all frustrated about how hard this mission is..and then I realized...you know what? It can't be too hard because I will never have a door slammed in my face. Never! They don't have doors! Just cardboard...so just keep your chin up because slamming cardboard isn't too effective. I guess every mission has things that are trials to them, and this mission is exactly what trials I need. Enough, enough, let's have some stories.
Sista Tioatin. (Kiribati name)Keep the faith sweet family, I love you all so much!I pray you are all safe and well back at home..it sometimes feels scary to be so disconnected from everything back at home..but I know that God knows the begining from the end. He knows what I can and can't handle...(and right now we're definitely pushing that line..hahaha) and I know that God is our friend, and we can trust Him in times of adversity. (Something the Prophet Joseph Smith taught.) I know He lives, I know He died.Here's some background for this story. There is a religion here in Kiribati straight from the devil. It's called the "Bahi" faith. It believes in everything we do, except for Jesus Christ. (Sounds a little twisted, huh?) They believe in D&C, prophets, all of it..but they only view Christ as a good man. With that in mind, we were asked by a sweet sweet old lady named Veronica to go and teach her husband who was in this faith. I was a little scared...the missionaries try to stay clear of the Bahi faith because it really is buokaka (bad). Anyway we go and meet this man, he seems nice, and we start lessons with him. Every lesson we had we just hammered him with scriptures, and thoughts, and testimonies of Jesus Christ..and after every lesson when he said the prayer he said his same memorized prayer that does not end in the name of Jesus Christ. Our last lesson with him I made these little flashcards/game: "E bebeto Tataro! Iai kateniua mwaneka" (Prayer is easy! There are three steps) 1. Address our Father in Heaven 2. Speak the things of our hearts: our gratitude, questions, and confirmation of the truths taught in our lessons. 3. Close in Jesus's name. Then they have to match the number with the step..anyway we ask Bob to say the closing prayer...and oh my heart! It was really "Bob's First Prayer" And he spoke this beautiful prayer that came so naturally...I don't really know what he said...but the feeling! I was beaming I was so happy and as he closed in the sacred name of Jesus...a missionary moment right there. I can't imagine how proud Heavenly Father is...because I was pretty dang proud of him myself!!!!!!!!!!! The truth about prayer...communicating with our Father, opening that connection to Heaven as we asks for blessings and help, aligning our will to His, seeking answers about the truth...prayers are so beautiful. I never knew how precious they were until I heard our investigators recite memorized prayers, and it just breaks my heart! Prayers are a way we talk to our Father.There are so many other stories, and memories, and experiences but that was my favorite from this week. Listening to his first prayer.
Teaching this sweet family about temples! And the book of Mormon! I have a great story about this, but I'll save it for the journal and tell y'all when I get home.
Here's a picture of one of the most faithful families in the gospel I have EVER met.
This cute little lady only has only leg and before she got a wheelchair she would walk with her crutches to church every week..EVERY WEEK. She loves to sing, but here in Kiribati there are no piano's (imagine trying to ship that here, haha) so this lady sets the tune for the whole congregation (she's the piano and the choirister in one! haha!) and oh how they sing! WITH THEIR WHOLE VOICE AND THEIR WHOLE HEART. They are the sweetest.