Sunday, December 14, 2014

Last love from Tarawa

dear family,

i have never felt such happiness before in my whole life. The Lord honestly has given me such a blessing to have this beautiful, happy closure to my mission..

..i just can't thank you guys enough for seeing me until the end..I honestly never thought I would be able to finish this mission..there were some trials that literally were close to breaking me, but thanks to your support and love..I've made it..I can't believe it..I've made it.

I have so much to tell you -- but I've got family here I've got to go visit before I come home.. love you all so much. see you in four days!! LOVE YOU!

I will write one more blog post when I get home because there is a lot I want to say!! I just don't have time right now.

love you!! Tiakaboo!!!
sister johnson

Sunday, December 7, 2014

my testimony.

if anything has changed about me, it would be my testimony.
i love God.
i love that He speaks through prophets to guide His Church.
i love the Holy Ghost.
i love to feel the calmness and the escape this church brings to me.
i love the repentance changed me.
i love the idea that i will see Father.
i love the idea that families can be together forever.

love you!
ten days,
sister johnson

PS. For those of you who would like to come, Lizzie's homecoming is going to be December 28th at 11:00 am. It will be at the Rock Church in Farmington, Utah. The address is: 272 North Main St. You are welcome to join us after at our home for a brunch. Thank you for your love and support of our sweet Lizzie!!  - Robin (her mom)

Sunday, November 30, 2014

picture week...

a betio baptism!

movie night at the chapel! hahaha..we pulled some classic johnny lingo and
Uncle Ben movie's out.

​this is our chapel..
she is seriously such a LIGHT.
we were eating lunch at a members house and as we were walking out, I saw a girl on a hammock..and right as I passed her, I felt like I should go back and ask her if she wanted to take the lessons..she started laughing and said, "How did you know?" hahaha..she had been wanting lessons for a long time...:)

 she is the sweetest lil investigator in the world.
she made up a song to rememer the names of the books in the book of mormon.
and she keeps her tithing in her homemade scripture was .40 cents.
love her good heart.

sister tiatia and i just sweating like we live on the equator!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

I didn't know I was loved....

Yesterday was church for us..and when we got to church, the Bishop asked us to speak during Sacrament Meeting..we happily accepted the opportunity.
My companion got up and told a story about a family in Kiribati.

There was a family living here in Kiribati with a loving father and mother and lots of children. The father loved his children very much, and made sure that His children got the best education they could here on the small island of Tarawa. Thanks to lots of studying, discipline, and encouragement from their Father, they were all able to successfully finished their schooling - up until the last year of high school.
The Father knew that his children were bright, brilliant, they were something special. He knew their potential could far outreach what the schools had taught them. So He thought of a plan. He called His children to meet with Him. And with a loving voice, told them they if they really wanted to fulfill their potential..then they would have to go to Fiji -- that's were the best education was. He handed them all one- way tickets..
The children were overjoyed..the chance to go to Fiji! What an opportunity..what a's so hard to get to Fiji, not everyone gets the opportunity to go..but as children are to their parents..they were sad to leave their parents.
The Father lovingly told them.. "I love you, I'm sad to see you leave but I know that you've got to leave to reach that potential that I see in you. I've got you a one way ticket to get there..but your responsibility is to get back to me. Go to school, work hard, get a job..and when you've worked long and hard..come back to a plane ticket with the money that you've earned and come back to me one day."
My companion then transitioned this story as a story of our Eternal Family..and the Father as our Eternal Father. How we had to come to earth, we had to be reach our full potential. How just like in the story the Father only bought them a one-way ticket..but asked them lovingly to do their part, so that they could again return to their home island.
After that we had a musical number of, "I am a Child of God" The lyrics of that song are just way to good not to's a reminder.
  1. I am a child of God,
    And he has sent me here,
    Has given me an earthly home
    With parents kind and dear.
  2. I am a child of God,
    And so my needs are great;
    Help me to understand his words
    Before it grows too late.
  3. I am a child of God.
    Rich blessings are in store;
    If I but learn to do his will,
    I'll live with him once more.
  4. I am a child of God.
    His promises are sure;
    Celestial glory shall be mine
    If I can but endure.
  5. Chorus
    Lead me, guide me, walk beside me,
    Help me find the way.
    Teach me all that I must do
    To live with him someday.
After we sung, I got up to speak. I said something like..Good morning brothers and sisters. I think you all know me by now..but if you don't..My name is Sister Johnson..and I'm pretty blessed to have two Fathers. I am the daughter of my Heavenly Father, and I am the daughter of Andrew Norman Johnson. The focus of my talk is about what my Fathers have taught me.
That was all I had planned of my I just took it for what it was and kept going.."If I was to sum up what my Fathers have taught it would be that I am loved..I didn't know it, but I am loved..."
Mercy. What an overwhelming feel loved. There is something so dependable about love..something so comforting..and even though the world is crazy, and even though we don't feel like we should be loved..we are..whether we currently believe it, or we don't..God loves us.That is my testimony. God loves us.

N Aran Iesu au Tia Kamaiu amen. 

Sunday, November 9, 2014


the things of my soul:

Some images of Kiribati I will never be able to forget.

palm trees plastered against blue skies
the heat of the white sand against my worn crocs
children playing with empty soda can bottles
the way the men carry buckets of water
the way the women carry their children on their backs

I'll never forget the smells of Kiribati..the smell of coconuts, the smell of heat, the smell of sweat, the smell of fish cooking on an open fire...oh the smell of smoke, if smells could stain - I am certain smoke would.. The locals often joke that that is the perfume of Kiribat: open fire smoke..I stand as testament to that..I often come home after long days to smell my clothes..and I am reminded of all the open fire smokes we passed walking home..the smell of all the Kiribati ladies cooking their rice and their fish to feed their families.

I'll never forget watching families sit down to eat..on the concrete floor, sitting crossleged while their fresh food sits in big bowls before them. They use no utensils..and sitting in a circle on the ground their empty bellies are filled again..

Oh Kiribati. Your beauty does not only come from the textures, tastes, smells, and scenery of your comes from you heart.

I will spend the rest of my life teaching and telling people about the love of Kiribati..the extreme Christ-like love that is shown on a day-to-day basis. I was reminded of that this week.

Because of the economic circumstances of the people here they cannot afford the word, "mine." Do you relize how much the word "mine" costs? therefore they do not own anything personally..but the only word their small pockets can buy is the word, "OURS" For that word has no price. If you own do I. If I own something, so do you..This is the connection that literally unites the whole island into one family. Their ability to share and give is what keeps a little tiny island going round.

This week I saw two little girls. Only one girl had a pair of worn flipflops, the other walked barefoot. Minutes later I looked back at these girls, and each girl had one flip flop.. they were holding hands..and they were walking to church...

This simple moments of love I see EVERY. DAY. These people are so much closer to Christ than I have ever seen. I was reading in 2 Nephi and read this beautiful verse in 2 Nephi 26:

30 Behold, the Lord hath forbidden this thing; wherefore, the Lord God hath given commandment that all men should have charitywhich charity is love.

I love the advice Sister Tiatia gave me this week: love the land, love the work, and love the Lord.

Amen to that.
Sister J

Friday, November 7, 2014

Johnson happy hour....

Hello family! 

We followed up on most of our new referrals and about 13 of them are less actives who apparently want the lessons again, and 13 of them we have been able to contact and start lessons with. We've got some really REALLY great investigators..who really want to learn about the gospel. For a while we were really REALLY pushing with about 12 of our investigators who just weren't progressing..and we were pretty sad..but now we've got a whole new pool of people to work things are looking good.

Dad - you have no idea..I am craving food SO MUCH! I keep having dreams about food..and somehow every time I order a subway sandwhich..all of the lettuce and cheese and ham falls out of the sandwhich before I can eat I really miss home food!!!!!!

Hope you all have a WONDERFUL week and you always remember that we are a family FOREVER! how lucky are we? Johnson happy hour anyone? Hahaha.

Love you guys..I've got the best family in the world!

Love you! 
little liz

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Past white..this field is ready to harvest.

Funny of this week:

This Sunday was the primary presentation..the best line of it was when one of the little sunbeam boys shared how much he loves the prophet, "Brigham YumYum" (Yumyum is a type of Asian noodles can imagine the members response..we were all roaring in laughter..hahaha)

Ah, it feels so good to talk to you..and to share experiences that I've had..give you a little insight to the world in which I live here on the small island of Tarawa, Kiribati.

What can I type? What can I share? There was so much of the Lord's love in this week of the work. LOVE. The word that can change the world!

On Friday we had a, "Missionary Program" with all the YSA. We met at the chapel and had a little training. The training I gave was about tracting..and I spoke about my sweet Elder Monte J. Brough whose tracting efforts of over fivety years ago is still changing the world. How one Elder in little ol' England changed the life of my grandparents, parents, and myself. I am on a mission now..I am here in Kiribati because of the efforts of tracting..because two missionaries decided to follow the spirit to find my family..AH, I tear up every time I talk about it..just in gratitude..and that work that He did..combined with the missionary work you did Dad in New Zealand..and combined with the work I am doing here..WOW. This missionary work is so powerful and will continue to move on.

After that we went out and tracted from 11:00-6:00 pm. The sun was sadly against us that was fiercly hot..but it didn't get us down. We were able to recieve 26 refferals. BEST DAY EVER!!! Sister Tiatia and I were BEAMING ear to ear. We really have been praying about the direction the Lord has wanted us to take in this area..and we felt this was the biggest answers to our prayers!

What was so incredible to me was that when we tracted we really REALLY saw those who have been prepared by the Lord. One lady said, "I've been waiting a long time to take lessons with missionaries..but my husband has never allowed it until now.." Another man said, "You don't smoke, or drink..right? That's why I support this church..I've thought about joining it for a long time." One young woman said, "I've started lessons with the missionaries before..but quit..this time is different..I want the lessons now." Those were just three that I witnessed..but so many more stories like that from the YSA after our day of tracting.
I don't think the field could be any more white. 

I couldn't give up the opportunity to bear my testimony..something that I have learned is of MORE worth once you share it, give it away, inspire people with it...This work..This work is real. This work is going forth.The Lord is working with Us..He has prepared these people to hear. He is waiting for them to be trust Him.. The Lord Lives..He lives, He lives.
I love you all with all my heart..but THIS is where I want to the whitest field in the world.

This is my last final head is down..and I'm not looking at that finish line until I see it under my feet. This is the happiest time of my life.

I love you guys more than you know. 
Sister Johnson.

{This Septemeber reached the third year since Elder Brough has passed away...all the gratitude to him for his missionary work and to the Brough family. Sure love you Uncle Monte. }

Sunday, October 19, 2014




this is where we get our food! hahaha! these are the little stores I was
telling you all about a while ago..
Dearest Family,

Haven't gotten a big email out to you all in a while..been really focusing on getting personal emails out to everyone..but time calls for a big email. LOTS has happened..sometimes I just wish you could come see the work for a day out's phenomenal, exhausting, and feel all of it in one day. Time has no gravity doesn't exist..we just wake up and work until the sun goes down.

On Oct 9 my trainee came, Sister Tiatia. Her parents are pure Samoan and she was born in New Zealand..she's already graduated from BYU - H in a degree in Social work. She's 23 years old..and she is here for the right reasons. Love her, LOVE HER. She is great.
Because she just got here, we do a LOT of studying..studying the language, gospel principles, how to teach, how to talk, and a big part: learning how to be a missionary..and how to understand the culture here. It's been really cool because honestly..this is my first time being companions with someone "younger" (mission speaking) than me, so I get to do a lot of teaching to her: learning the language and learning about the people, and all sorts of things..learning what to do in certain teaching situations..etc.

Training is good - I really enjoy it. I have never pulled so much of the work I'm really growing in strength...for example: doing ALL the talking..from morning until night (Poor Sister Tiatia, Kiribati people just speak so fast..), learning not to get stressed when there is much to do, being optimistic, just learning a lot of really good lessons right now. I really am thankful for our Father in Heaven for helping me continue to PROGRESS during my mission. New stages, new challenges, new people..which reminds me..

..the most important part of this email...THE PEOPLE.

Ah, I think I'm going to die when I have to leave this place..I love these sweet people so much. If we could all be more like them. Right now we have a lot of investigators. I just moved into this area about three weeks still fairly new. It's cool because Sister Tiatia just got here too, so we are learning the area together.

One thing that we really felt to focus on was families. That's every missionaries dream..teaching that's what we have been working on lately..spent almost four hours on weekly planning (any RM will get it ;) trying and can we complete their can we prepare our investigators for the temple..what can we do to get their family members to except the on and so forth...we figured out that we have EIGHT potential families that could be we are just going to keep working hard, hard, hard!!!!!
Spiritual experiences this week: MWAITI (Kiribati word for many)
(Haha, everything I say in English, I then translate into Kiribati for Sister I find myself talking in both languages.and tend to do a lot of remixing!! Hahah!)

Highlights of my spiritual life this week was:
-Stake Conference
1. The Stake President had an INCREDIBLE talk..I'll have to tell you about it one day. 
2. Reading the Book of Mormon:
a. In Kiribati - to help me learn to speak better Kiribati and learn the gospel in the Kiribati language and
b. in English - to gain a personal testimony of our Savior Jesus has been EYE OPENING.

Well, that's my email..just sure love you guys..make sure you go to the temple..I'm really missing the temple..LOVE YOU!
All is well,
sister j

Monday, October 13, 2014

She's here!

Hi - sorry we got off to a late start today due to laundry...lots of it!! haha!

As for my little daughter...SHE'S BRILLIANT! Born and raised in NZ then graduated from BYUH (in social work) and was residing in Australia when she got her call..she is 23 years old and very very very gentile and sweet..oh..I am so thankful for Heavenly Father! Best transfer ever! I LOVE's just teaching little by little everything that I've learned on my's a beautiful time to reflect..and teach Sister Tiatia everything I know about being a missionary..I often think of the wise words you always tell me, "Your generation has to be better than mine.." I feel that is true now! I am training her to be a better missionary than I was. I like to give her her freedom, and let her grow at her pace, while standing beside her and encouraging her to reach a little higher. 

Because I am training it has let me reflect on really how much I have progressed on the mission...I had long forgot those long frustrated days when I couldn't understand anyone..and felt left out..learning the Kiribati languages was hard...but a year later I am so grateful I did. 

I wish I was there to hear Joe and Emily Brough...I bet they did an amazing job...tell them that I'm training my little misisonary to be exactly obedient..we even had personal and companion study on PDAY ;) Hahahaha, little things do make a big difference :)

MOM! I WAS SO HAPPY WHEN I READ THAT YOU spoke of our Savior to that man..AND THAT YOU PLACED A BOOK OF MORMON!  I am so happy for you! I am so so so grateful that you are being a missionary! You, Sarah, and Criss are all doing so good to be missionaries all over the world! AH! I LOVE IT! And how beautiful and clearly you spoke to him! Ah, I am so grateful so grateful! 

That reminds of me a section in PMG that talks about "How to Begin Teaching" that's what we missionaries tell everyone..we don't come to force anyone, take away their truth, bad talk any religion..we just come to teach lessons..and it is their responsibility to decipher with the Holy Ghost if it is true...LOOK AT YOU GO MOM! YOU ARE A MISSIONARY! 

Thanks for the pictures..I'll fill you all in next week!! Love you!

Sister Johnson

Sunday, September 28, 2014

the Holy Ghost

Dear Family,

I transferred this week to be with SISTER LAVULAVU which we have now been companions three times and have worked in FOUR areas with her. She was my trainer! And it's been the BEST to come back and work with her's been a dream..this week went by SO FAST because we are just busy with the work! We have LOTS of investigators! We had one baptism this week and have four planned for next week, and two for the week after that! Wow! The field is so white here! 

One of the best moments of this week was yesterday. We went on splits -- and being brand new to the area made it a funny experience because I forgot where some of the houses were..but thank heavens for the Holy Ghost who really just led us to lesson after lesson! 

We have two sisters who are taking lessons with us (we PRAY that their parents will want lessons..still working on them...) and our lesson was about the Holy Ghost. 

Now teaching about the Holy Ghost is one of the most important lessons to teach..and honestly for me one of the hardest lessons to teach..really really describing how it's hard enough in English..let alone Kiribati.. so we decided to approach the situation differently. 

We choose two a really crazy loud heavy beated song and we asked them to note how they felt as the song played..then we found a really beautiful church song -- a piano arrangement of a hymn -- and asked the two girls what the difference was..could the feel the spirit leave as the first song played? What words could describe the second song? We described that the second song -- the spiritual song --is like how we feel when we receive the Holy Ghost..those feelings of peace and how the Holy Ghost speaks to us.

I sure am grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost..and have been really trying to understand how the Holy Ghost speaks to's all a leanring process isn't it.. :)

Sure love you guys!! My little samoan daughter comes next week! 

Sister Johnson

Sunday, September 21, 2014


These boys got new ties!! wahoo!

pretty happy Priesthood!

sweetest lady ever! 

this miracle less active we found out in the middle of no where..haha..she's a sweetheart..her name is elizabeth too! but in kiribati it's eritabeta

this was this morning..hahaha..only in Kiribati would this be allowed! Hahaha!
this was bishop of the bikenibru ward, I've been working with him for almost eight months..these are my PARENTS! so I took them to a resturant for one of my
last nights in bikenibeu

and the cutest little boy in the world

love this sweet sister!

sunset after pday

the zone! to put things into perspective..our whole zone of sisters live in one house!
And there are only four districts on the whole island! FOUR DISTRICTS..that's it!
That's all for my mission! Four districts! If this isn't the smallest mission!!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

White shirts & ties...

(thanks to everyone's generosity towards Devin's Eagle Scout project, we were able to send 105 shirts and 130 ties to Lizzie's mission. Thank you for your help and donations!!)

HEY DEVIN! GUESSS WHAT CAME IN THE MAIL?!?!?! WHITE SHIRTS AND TIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AMAZING! I didn't even know where to start?! I was so excited! I will start passing them out this proud you!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't tell you how much people are being blessed here because of your good work! DEV! You are changing the life of so many!!! Thank you so much Dev, I love you so much, thank you so much for serving these people..

Crissy... THE PACKAGE CAME! And the skirt was GENIUS! Seriously couldn't believe that you sewed that! Thank you so SO SO Much..

And to answer your question about - hardly NO ONE is married..most of them can't afford to get only costs like five dollars I think..but it's not something that is really the church it's huge, but outside of the church..not much.

I can NOT tell you how HAPPY I was to see all these absolutely AMAZING pictures of the extended family. I am so grateful for your gift with a camera mom! And I am SO happy that Ivy has found, "her one!" and sweet Drue is on a MISSION..ah, what a beautiful life we have..

One line that I really really REALLY love in preach my gospel.. it says: some missionaries are confident, some are very self conscience, but regardless of where you stand, place your confidence in the Savior. Focus all that good you are doing - and be absolutely CONFIDENT of the Savior and what HE can do! It's HIS love that changes people and it's HIS love that makes your work so powerful!  It is so true!!

UPDATE: I am not going to Christmas anymore! I had a meeting with the AP's and they said that President received revelation that I should stay on Tarawa and TRAIN! Haha! And get child is from...G-U-A-M! Hahahah! I am 100% happy with it. I always told the Lord I'd do what He wanted.  

thanks for your prayers and support. love you guys!
love, liz

Sunday, August 31, 2014


WHOA. Okay before I respond back to all your sweet emails, GET THIS!

CHRISTMAS ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is that the craziest thing you ever heard?! I am getting transferred back to Christmas will be my last transfer..WHAT?! MY LAST TRANSFER. I will stay there for two and a half months, and then I will fly from Christmas to Hawaii to UTAH AND THEN I WILL BE HOME! WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!! THAT HAS NEVER BEEN DONE IN MISSION HISTORY! It's just crazy cause i'm getting sent back out to an outter island! BUT IT'S SO TRUE!
Whew, gotta calm down, but here are the details. I will leave Septer 21 to go to Fiji and then stay in Fiji a couple days to wait for a little plane to fly me to Christmas Island. Get there Sept 26 and stay there until Dec 17.
It's just all crazy, I just gotta be so grateful for the Lord. My time in Christmas was incredible..and LIFE CHANGING..and now I get to go back to the island where I really grew up on. I was only there before for 3.5 months, and then got called to be Sister Training Leader here..but I have kept thinking about the investigators I left on Christmas this WHOLE TIME. And when I heard President felt I should go clicked..There was work here I needed to do, and now there is work there I need to finish. I cannot believe it. Oh the Lord is good to us. And get this. My companion is...TONGAN! WHICH MEANS I WILL FINISH MY MISSION WITH LITERALLY 85% of my mission having been with with five Tongan companions..
Well I just had to get the word out! Oh which means, I won't get packages or letters again once I get don't send any..but thank you for all of your love and support!!!!

love you!
sister tiaontin

Sunday, August 24, 2014

A week in pictures...

a beautiful sunset.

The sweetest family, that changed my life. what struggles they have had. 

they have a small house and they never complain. they never wish they had more.
there is so much to learn from these people.
This is Nei. She is a MIRACLE! And just got baptized last week. This is at the chapel.

at her baptism! 
tribute to elder pauora who finished his time. he was an elder with me in Kiritimati. incredible guy, incredible voice.

This is little Bernard! He came to church, and we had a lesson after. He wanted a picture to put on his Duty to God book he's now working on. Whatta a sweetheart.

We live in Bouta now, which is about a 10 minute bike ride away from our area, so everyday we get a lovely bike ride to our area and this is the view! (PS- notice the road.. australia is spending 20 million dollars to give kiribati a new road! little by little!)

our cute little investigators home..let us all be thankful for what we have.

cute little kids..and that tin building in the back? that's the bathroom! 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

In four months I will be in my house in America.

Dear Family,

This week was CRAZY! Isn't all weeks? Surely must be so.
But little glimpses of this week in the work:
1. My favorite of this week was when our investigator, "Bernard" received a witness that this church was true. We opened up his lesson in prayer, and then followed up. "Bernard, have you been able to pray about the Restoration of the gospel through the Prophet Joseph Smith?" His reply, "No, sorry I forgot to pray about it.." "Well Bernard, do you mind if we offered a prayer right now, and have you ask your Father in Heaven if it was true?" He agreed. We all got on our knees on his little grass hut and Bernard offered a sincere prayer. Right as he said Amen me and little Bernard made eye contact. He was smiling. So was I..we just looked at each other..and smiled..and then I said, "Do you feel it?" He was smiling with his whole mouth. He nodded his head, "Do you feel that happiness? That's Heavenly Father telling you that He is answering your prayers.." Our hearts were filled with the Spirit that lesson..we could barely talk right because we were all grinning so much! He is a wonderful boy -- son of a family of less actives -- we are hoping to all gather them up and help them come back into this church :)
2. There was so much rain, we little walked through puddles up to our knees! No exaggeration! When it rains, it pours here.
3.My Beloved Sister Cassita (the mission nurse) went home this week. I cried and cried. I can't even tell you guys how much she means to me..for this year and two months of my's just been us two white sisters, you can imagine how much we found comfort in each other. I gave her letters to give to you make sure you grab them from her when you go to her homecoming.
4. Most of all, you guys just gotta know that I love you, and care for you guys..and think and pray for blessings upon your heads.
Forever and always,
sister j

Sunday, August 10, 2014

His hand...

The sisters are doing good here..i cannot believe how good Heavenly Father has been to me this week..he is helping me so much in this work..we were able to get another 50 lessons this week AND WE DIDN'T WORK IN OUR AREA ON TUESDAY cause we went on splits. Seriously the work is so good..I was so stressed about our area when I first got to it..there was no one to teach..but a little hard work..and a lot of area is doing really good.

Funny our power dies from 6am to 6 pm everyday, so we went and stayed at the sisters house..and they had a fan in the room, and I got so cold by having just a fan blow on me, I had to go get my towel to sleep with, and find blankets...I think I will DIE when I come back in December..I don't know how to handle it..hahahahaha.

So really really REALLY grateful to the Lord...He is literally placing His hand in His work...and we are teaching people we never even dreamed we would..and AH! It's just a dream! I am really loving loving loving it. Life is good. Life is simple. 

I've gotta run, but don't ever forget I love you guys!!
Sister Liz

Sunday, July 27, 2014

not fair.

Dearest Family,

One of our investigators names is, "Maii"
She is a nurse at the hospital here in Bikenibeu.
Her duty as a nurse is to care for the malnourished children under the age of five.
She is the only nurse.
She is in charge of all the malnourished children in Kiribati.

She invited us to hold a family home evening at her house..and while we ate.. we talked about her work. I was fascinated. I was shocked. I was a little she told us stories and experiences that she has had working with malnourished children. How painful it is to her when her patients die. How hard it is for her to carry the work we talked..I wanted to do something to help..these sweet children..I asked her..What do you need? Milk? What can I can I help..what needs to be done?

She said that the hospital provides for milk, and provides for everything while the children stay in the hospital but the problem is when these children go home from the hospital...they return to their homes..and the same problems happen. They are neglected. They are not fed. And the return to the hospital.

 You want to fix malnourished children? she asked.. You have to fix the family.

Teach the fathers to find work, teach the mothers to love and nurture their children. But before that, teach couples to marry. Teach them to MARRY. Then have children.
As I listened to her.. I was amazed...the key to stopping starving found in the gospel of Jesus Christ. The answer to malnourished children -- is to follow the Church of Jesus Christ. Do we not teach couples to obey the Law of Chasity..and hasn't the prophet told us in "The Family: a proclamation to the world" Exactly what our duties are as families? That fathers should rear and raise their children -- and mothers to provide for the emotional and physical needs of their families?

If the gospel was lived. And people tried to do their best to follow God's commandments. If we headed to the words of the prophet...this world would be a better place.

On Thursday we were able to go visit her ward in the old run down Bikenbeu do some cleaning service for them..and to look at these sweet little bodies..boney, bodies..the life barely clinging to their bodies...was a little haunting...and honestly an experience I can't quite describe..nor will ever be able to but into words the feeling I felt as I watched these children suffer to fight for their lives.

That night in my prayers I prayed to Heavenly Father...I prayed and said, "Father, this isn't fair..why do I have food, and they don't? Why do some in this world live in abundance..and others don't?? How is that fair?" As I prayed I felt so much anger and confusion.

The impression I got to answer my prayers was this: "It is because we have not learned how to share."

I went back and talked to our investigator and nurse, to thank her for the experience we had in the hospital. Before I left..she asked..."Sister Johnson..are there a lot of malnourished children in America?" I shook my head, "No..not like this.."  She said, "Maybe it is because they do not know...maybe you could be the one to let them know.." I told her.."I don't know how..but I'll do my best. I'll do my best to let those who live too abundantly in America realize there are those who don't..I don't know how I'll do it..but I'll do my best."

And that was this week. I don't know how. But I gotta do it. I gotta let people know..I gotta let them see - we can make this world a better place..we really can..if only we live the gospel..and share what blessings we have been given.

I, from this day forward am changed. I cannot go back. I have seen the suffering and must do something about it.

This is my prayer.
Sister Johnson

Sunday, July 20, 2014

A week of laughter...

Dearest Family,
Whatta week..what..a...WEEK! Oh my word. Okay, here I go trying to
compose an email...

This week was FULL of laughter. Laughter, laughter, laughter...and it
was a miracle from Heavenly Father because it was honestly the only
way to get through this work.

There is a lot of things I wish I could explain about this strange
little island..that I guess just wouldn't make sense if you didn't see
them..but I'll do my best to give you an image, a little idea of
what's it's like to be here. I think one of the hardest things about
this island is the is all encompassing..literally suffocating
at times because of the HUMIDITY of this island. It's so thick it's
almost visible and with the direct rays of the sun screaming down from
the has a tendency to kinda zap your energy. We stay
hydrated, and the Lord does bless us..but I think yesterday was the
hottest day of my life.

It was Sunday yesterday and we set out to church..I got to teach
primary (which was the best!) and then we headed off to lessons...the
heat was piercing..but we kept moving from lesson to lesson...but
nobody seemed to be home. We biked from one village to the next..and
everyone had gone for the weekend. Out of the four hours of bicycling
here and there we found two investigators out of the seven we had
planned. I was really tired...and the sun seemed unusually we biked and biked and biked..I was getting pretty
discouraged. My bike's seat is broken..and it slants
every three or four pushes on the bike and you've slipped off the seat
..sit back on it..and four or fives pedal pushes later..your back off
it.. Biking on sandy trails feels more like the intensity of mountain
biking -- because you really got to push just to stay moving.

As I was biking thinking, "Man I feel kainanno.." which is a funny
remix of Kiribati and English just meaning...I feel like I'm a little
tired/suffering a bit. A little thought came into my head the My
Savior has suffered more. We kept going.

We finally got into a home of one of our investigators. His wife is a
member, he is not. He has had lessons with missionaries for over a year.
He has never been baptized because he has never come to church. I
really prayed for the help us know what to say..we gave a
thought about the purpose of this life..and then Sister Itioa handed the 
discussion over to me. "Binoka," I said, "You weren't able to come to church
today..was there a reason?" He said..."I feel really embarrassed to
come to church because I know all the members are going to look at me, and
judge me for all the things I do wrong.."

..and maybe it was a accumulation of all my tiredness, but I'd like to
think it was the Spirit..when I teared up and told him.."Who are you
more scared of:.the members from Bikibeu First Ward..or God?" His head
hung down..and I continued to talk. "Binoka..I left my family, I left
America. I left everything I knew to come on a mission. To come to
serve you and your family..and to tell you and help prepare you to
meet God. (see Alma 34:32) When it comes the time of the's not going to be you and all the people from Bikienbeu
Ward...when it is the time of is you..and your God. So
what are you going to do in this life to get you ready for that day?"

Binoka quickly apologized for not keeping his commitments and told his
wife, "We are going to church on Sunday.." the wife replied, "I have
always told you that it's up to you, I will never force's up
to you." Binoka replied, "I'm going to church."

Keep him in your prayers this week as he can keep his commitment to
come to church...

There was some other really cool spiritual experiences this week..but
maybe that was the only one I really needed to share this week...but
like I said..I got through this week with laughter..

I though of my little Goose, Sarah Jane, this week..because really
everything was SO funny. Maybe you had to be there..and maybe this
heat is getting to my head..but top five funnies of this week:
..okay truth..I just typed them out..and they were not really
funny..hahahaha! Basically it boils down to this: a bird pooped on me,
our investigator ran away from us..but not just run..i Mean he ran for
his LIFE away from us....our Recent covert tried to teach me to dance
in Kiribati (HA!) and our bathroom has no door on it. Hahahahahaha. OH

Well, I sure love you guys. I love this work..I am definitely being
tested..but I love these people so gosh darn much I couldn't leave
them if you made me.

your daughter, friend, and coconut girl,
sister johnson

These pictures were sent to us from a young woman that got to go visit her parents on
Christmas Island. That was the last area Lizzie served in. We just got them this week.

 doing laundry!!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Back to Tarawa

[Lizzie has been transferred this week back to Tarawa and has been assigned to be the Sister Training Leader. Devin (her little brother) is doing his Eagle Scout project and collecting white shirts and ties for the priesthood brethren on the island.]

Flight was good, but we had two nights with no sleep because of the flights that were scheduled in the weeee hours of the morning..but thanks to the goodness of God, I was not even tired..can you believe that? He has given me strength.

I'm glad President and Sister Weir approved of the Eagle project. Please send as many shirts as you can..because a lot of the island Elders here only have a couple of shirts too -- we need them mostly for missionaries as well as investigators and diligent ward members. I'm so excited for you guys! BEautiful idea. I'm truly grateful.

As far as the sister missionaries we have 10 sisters on Tarawa and 2 on Kirimati so a total of 12.  Mom - if you could see these people -- these sisters -- what they sacrfice to go on a mission -- how much they trust the Lord -- man, it is inspiring! Anything that you think they could use would be helpful - simple things like bobby pins, or nail clippers or lotion. Don't worry about good brands of anything -- brands don't exist here...cause there is usually only one brand of something. 

The beauty of giving gifts to these sisters is that it is not just going to the sisters -- because when you give an islander a goes to the whole island..I guarentee the sisters will give to their investigators, to their family..they are so sweet to just know by helping the sisters, you are helping Kiribati be a better place.

I'm really grateful to be in my old area...six months see the recent converts staying faithful means more than anything to me!! 

I am working on obedience - exact obedience!! I know that the most important thing to do is put the Lord first! I know I cannot build my life upon anything but the rock of our Redeemer.

I love my family with all my heart and I love this work!!!!!!!
your girl,