She's from Australia! And this is the hand of Elder Anderson, our senior couple here. Hahahaha~
so we got these phones that are CRAZY nice, like iPhones, and they take pictures,
so these are all from the phone camera!
blue skies and open roads. just so grateful that there IS a road.
just one...that's all I need.
These palm trees are like huge dandelions...and they are everywhere!!!!!!!!!!
some elder told me that in the 1960's people came and inhabited the island, and planted every one of them...but I think he's pulling my leg.
- This is our cute little investigator. Her name means MERMAID in Kiribati!
- Baptism date of April 12.
- we live behind this chapel. We're just headed home
- from a day of lessons and this beautiful sight! Tropical paradise!
He spoke on "PART TWO" of the miracle family.Here is a quick update on part one if you can't remember. This family we came in contact with through the efforts of the rescue. (One night a week we visit Less Actives) We arrived at Brother M's house, but he politely told us his faith was in the Catholic church. We left, but his son wanted lessons. His son was taught and baptized. Then the mother started taking lessons and she was baptized. We invited him to hear the lessons. On the first lesson he cried, and expressed how his faith was always in this church..that he had temporarily forgotten how wonderful this church was..but how his testimony was always in this church. He became less active because he couldn't read, and sometimes in class they would ask him to read in church and he felt ashamed, and left the church. (And only the pastor reads the bible in the catholic that's why he went there)
Well fast forward to March 2014...three months later Brother M has continued to faithfully come to church every week. He has received a calling: the second counselor in the Elder Quorum's Presidency. He now holds the Melchedizek Priesthood and will soon baptize his 7 turning 8 year old daughter with the authority and power from Jesus Christ.
What a miracle.
This work..oh family, this work. I was so grateful to hear how much Brother M has progressed..and how far he has come. Their family has plans to be sealed in the Fiji temple in December 20...the week I finish my mission.
I sure love this gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that it is true, that it blesses our life in every aspect. I love YOU GUYS more than any fish in the sea, more than any money can family, we are eternal.
Until next week,sister johnson