this is Sister B!
This is my Kiribati name..cause there are no "J"'s or "S"'s in their you get this cool looking word! It sounds more like sohn-sun..wait..I'm forgetting english phonetics..
okay maybe I can't really descibe it... :)
this was from my birthday..there aren't very many balloons on the fact, i could probably count the number of times i've seen them on one hand...
but i was so happy to see one! and for me!
So this was my birthday cake! This is me and little "CJ" who had the same birthday...
he turned TWO and I turned TWENTY.
At the age of nine Sister B was taught by the missionaries, accepted the gospel, and was baptized. Shortly after -- due to no support from her family - she became a "less active." She again joined her former church that her family was so strongly attached to. She attended their worship and many years passed. When she was seventeen she decided that she would become a minister for her church. She bought a plane ticket and moved to the main island of Tarawa to pursue her education there. Two years into her schooling - she received word that her mother had suddenly died. As any person would - she was saddened by the news - which sought her soul looking for answers. In this current church she belonged to - they did not believe in the Resurrection..or that families could be together forever. ..she began to question which church really was true, where her mother was, and if there was hope for her family. So she started attending activities from the Young Single Adult Class hosted by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She prayed harder than ever to seek for the truth. With her heart softened she again rekindled her testimony in this church. She attended church and felt strongly to serve a mission.
Sister Banimone received her call to serve in Kiribati. She served on the main island for about a year - but due to health problems she was flown to Hawaii to receive medical attention there. After everything was cleared, President Weir wanted her to stay in the Marshall Islands for a little bit to make sure everything was okay. During her stay in Marshalls - President Weir invited her into his office and told her he felt a strong impression to send her to her home island: Kiritimati. Usually it's not allowed to serve in the area where your from..but she was brave enough to accept the calling.
Fast forward to Wednesday. Sister B arrived at her home island. But remember -- this is a fourth world country..there are no phones to communicate or contact through facebook...she steps off the plane -- and to the surprise of her family and friends..she is a Mormon missionary..not a Minister as she had once planned...
Because on this little island word travels quicker than a dropping coconut...{yes..i just thought of that imagery.} everyone knows that she is here..and that she isn't a Minister but a missionary...Sweet Sister B has received a lot of criticism, a lot of glares, and a lot of rude names...but my word..she has shown strength and bravery this week in the work.
And that is the start of the story of my companion. Her story isn't even close to being finished though..because guess who our new investigator is? Ueantaake. Her father.
If you have any prayers this week..if any of them could be said for her..I KNOW the Lord will hear those prayers and help her find the strength she needs. I love her with all of my heart..This is my sister...and you being my family...makes her family too.
I love you guys -- and will tell you until my fingers fall off from typing it --
sitting on this little island on the South Pacific Blue
sister Tiaontin (the Kiribati version of Johnson)
(ps - I have her permission to share her story.) and pss - Crissy I haven't spoken English for a if it doesn't make can fix it...