Sunday, May 18, 2014


this is my favorite..hahahaha...our cute little investigator

Dearest Family,

Sister Banimone says hello to you all. We are teaching her father on Wednesday at three..last two times he has been drunk..which is very hard on Sister we pray that he will be sober. 

Just a little bit about our investigators..AHHHHH..they are making me happier than I have ever been. We have the sweestest investigator..her name is Nei Ua..she is 19 years old..and it the CUTEST! She will be interviewed today..and baptized on we were reviewing the baptismn questions..she was so sweet..I asked, Do you believe that God is our loving Heavenly Father? She looked at me and said, "I rangi ni kakouaua!" Which means..I really really believe!!!" Hahaha, it was very cute. 

Our other investigators name in Amrom. He is 12 and his mom is a member..but he's not. So he wanted lessons. In our opening prayer he asked that Heavenly Father would help us to overcome all our trials that we were facing..and he asked that satan would leave so we could have some peace during the lessons. It was the cutest! 

Last little glimpse of our investigators is our new family we are teaching. Their names are Ination. They are the sweetest and when we came to their lessons, they man sang us a Kiribati song he wrote! 

May 15th was the best day of my life. I don't know who prayed that day..but was incredible. 

Thank you so much for your prayers and your love!!

PS: sorry Dev it's a little late -- call it island time -- but HAPPY BIRTHDAY ON MAY 13!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Triumphs and Failures...

Dearest Family.

Thank you for saying your prayers about Sister B. I think it was Wednesday, or Thursday she woke up and told me just how happy she was. I asked if there was any specific reason..she said no..but just stayed on Cloud nine for the whole day. So thank you for your prayers...they WORKED! To continue the story from last week. Sister B is doing so good. Her family needs her so much right now..especially her I am grateful she is here. Her Father has been busy this week so we didn't get a lesson in with him..but we have one planned for wednesday. 

This week...was..I don't even had a lot of complete failures.. and a lot of good triumphs.  It wasn't just an average week..cause there are no average weeks on this mission...a phase you often hear the missionaries say is "Ti aki ataa konaoan te bong" meaning: we never know what's going to happen today. Hahaha.

The funniest "failure" of this week was when they asked me to teach Nutrition in Relief Society... and after teaching "Five Ways to be Healthy here in Kirimati" (less sugar and salt, more clean water and exercise, etc) I had questions and scriptures to hand out to the groups..well group two got mad at group four because they were "stealing their answers". The whole relief society went into uproar and ended up getting a "tuaa" meaning they were punished and had to buy the whole Relief Society ice much for nutrition. :)

The biggest miracle happened this week. 
So we are teaching this family: Bere and Rotitera..a.k.a. B&R. This family has been taught by missionaries for almost four years..FOUR! And we are ready for them - and feel it's their time to really commit to being baptized and receiving their truth. What is holding them back  is that they are really strong in their we asked a member from our ward who was previously from that church come to our lesson and share his conversion story. We set everything up..Friday at Five. We arrive at our members house, and he wasn't we went to his work office..wasn't and sister B had no idea what to do...we didn't have a lesson planned other than our member sharing his we biked really slowly and tried to think of what possible we could teach them..we've been teaching them a long time..and wondered what new material could be taught...NOTHING came to mind. We actually got off our bikes and just looked at each other..we really had no idea what to teach. As we sat there on the white sandy road...I said a little prayer..and asked for the Lord's help in his work. Not one minute had passed, and we saw our member driving on his motorcyle to meet us. WHAT A BLESSING. That lesson was crazy powerful..and the Spirit was felt. How grateful I am for answered prayers. Wow. 

Wanna know the truth? Sometimes...I really have a hard time speaking just doesn't translate into englsh..and sometimes I think i'm making sense because it makes sense in English...but it makes no sense in Kiribati. I got pretty sad about it this week..I have been out for ten months now..and sometimes I feel like I can't get past basic grammar rules and much memorization involved in learning a language...and we all know how forgetful I am.. but I will keep trying. 

Enough! E tau! That is all I have to say.
Sister Johnson.