Sunday, June 29, 2014

Fourth Try...

You guys. I wrote an email for thirty minutes..I hit send..the
internet died..didn't save my draft...So I wrote a recap of what I was
going to send..took a good ten minutes..and hit send..and the internet
died...AND NOW THIS IS THE THIRD TIME. Hahahahaha. So here goes try
          The work is good. Last week we were so humbled to have twenty of our
          investigators, and less actives and recent convernts we have been working with
          at our church. It was amazing.
I don't have time to write anything else...but just know that the Skype
with you guys was the biggest miracle of my whole life. I love you
guys so much! Sorry the internet thing here is kinda crazy..but rumor
is I'm going back to main island not this week..but next week to go
back to my former area with my former companion (four companions now I
have again been companions with!!!!!) and...have been called to serve
as the sister training leader...wazaaam! What?
Okay I'm sending this off. Much love.

Sister J

Sunday, June 15, 2014

part of the mission...

hey fam,

I've only got five minutes left. There is only one computer on the
whole island that is working right I took time to read all
your emails..but unfortunately can't respond again. I guess it's just
part of the mission. I'll do my best to skype you all next week..but
like I said, there is only one computer on the whole island that

This week was a roughie. I got more homesick than I ever have on my
mission...I am really really stretching past my "comfort zone" because
I miss home so much. No missions are I'll just keep my chin
up. I just really love and miss you guys. A lot.

That's all for now, sure love you.
sis liz

Sunday, June 8, 2014

whatta week

Dear Family:
Sorry I haven't been able to get a good email out to you guys in a
while...the power has been on and off, but the one "fast" internet
place on the island is now shut my time in email has
dramatically shifted..and don't have as much time now..but no worries.
Okay, so I will do my best to give you the update on the past two
weeks. Sister Banimone was E.T.ed (Emergency transferred) back to Tarawa
because the pressure from her family was getting very intense (at this
point we were doing all her fathers laundry, trying to cook him food,
etc.) It was really sad to see her go, but I was really grateful that
she could go back to Tarawa, I think it needed to happen. We found out
late Sunday night that she would transfer..and flights are early
Wednesday we had to get all her things packed and
everything worked out quickly. On Wednesday Sister Alafoki arrived.
I've had her as a companion before..she was my, "follow up" trainer
back in Tarawa. She is the companion that really taught me how to work
hard on the mission..she is the one that pushed me to go to lesson
after lesson..after...lesson..after lesson. And taught me that I can't
rely on my strength..just focus on the strength the Lord gives me.
Because of having her as my companion so early on in my mission (at two
months out on the field) it has pushed me to work hard my entire
mission..because I know how to do it. I know that I can do it.

So we are back together again. AND I LOVE IT. It's so cool to see how
we totally push each other to be better. I won't let her talk in
English..and she makes us get out of the house by 10:00..just little
things like that that we really compliment each other on. It's nice
now too because we are both at the same level of speaking Kiribati, so
we can both teach during lessons.

But if I was to spend any bulk of this email on would be
on our guys...I seriously couldn't type enough
about them..they are my world..they, man there really aren't any
possible words to describe how INTO THIS WORK I am...

So I got to tell you about Rawa and Tatu..our family we are teaching.

We found them through the efforts of tracting, and they have
been our golden family right now. We started to teach them, just the
husband and the wife..and they told us the wife was from the Catholic
and the husband was from the Protestant..he is 45 and she is 42...and
they LOVE to laugh and talk story..I wish you could see them when they
get into a story..hahahahaha..oh these islanders and their talk. The
husband, Tatu asked if we could just come once a week and teach we had taught them every Wednesday for a little time..but we
weren't really getting anywhere with once a week..
so we arrived on Wednesday, and as all missionaries do, we followed up
on the last lesson. Our comitment to them was for them to pray about
the living prophet, Thomas S. Monson. We asked them how their prayer
was..and she said, "Ma iai au kanganga.." Meaning..I have a
problem..we asked her what it was..and she said she couldn't pray
about if their was a prohet or not because she feels like her faith is
dead..she can't pray..she has no faith. She said, "I can say a prayer
with my mouth, but not with my heart."

So like all missionaries do, we focused our lesson on her
concerns..and trying to help her understand faith, and without
works..yes faith is dead..and so on so forth..then we recommited them
to prayer and asked if we could return in two days time. When we
returned, we didn't even have time to start in an opening prayer or
say anything because she jumped right into the lesson and said, "What
are you guys teaching us?! Do you know ever since we have been praying
we have had so many problems? We are fighting for no reason..and mad
at each other..and on and on." She was laughing when she said it..but
she was totally serious..she then told us everytime in the last 48
hours she was mad, or frustrated, after praying. The husband
questioned if praying was even good, because if it was..why was it
causing so much contention in their home?

We opened up the Book of Mormon and read from 2 Nephi 32:8  "And now,
my beloved brethren, I perceive that ye ponder still in your hearts;
and it grieveth me that I must speak concerning this thing. For if ye
would hearken unto the Spirit which teacheth a man to pray, ye would
know that ye must pray; for the evil spirit teacheth not a man to
pray, but teacheth him that he must not pray..." we explained that
becuase they were starting to grow their faith, and pray..that they
would feel some resistance..but the Holy Ghost will always teach us to
pray. We could totally feel it, "click" in the room..and how one
scripture from the Book of Mormon turned a room full of confusion and
questions..into a room filled with understanding, and filled with the

That lesson ended on a really good note..and Sister Alafoki and I
could feel the spirit as we left..We asked their oldest daughter if
she wanted lessons, and she said she did. Then we asked their youngest
son, and he said he wanted lessons as well. So we now are teaching the
whole family..and I love that family with my whole heart. I wish I
could explain what it's like to love an investigator...that you just
give you heart to them, give them everything you have, pray for the,
fast for them, celebrate when they keep their comitments, and feel
saddened when they don't come to church...helping them meet their new
best friend, Our Saviour Jesus Christ..and helping them understand
that God loves them..

for a place that literally has give them something so good
as the gospel..brings me more happiness then I could ever explain.
Just to walk down the streets of Kiritimati Island..and feel this
responsibility for my brothers and sisters here..and really feel like
I belong's a feeling like none other.

So that's our new family to teach if you ever want to pray
for them, or put their names in the temple :)

And so that's my story adventures for this week! Other fun
adventures..I swung from a coconut branch..and ate octopus last
night..that was pretty good actually. It was fresh! AO! I forgot!
YEsterday was a KILLER DAY in the work. It was phenomenal. Sister
Alafoki and I were able to get 13 lessons taught, we found 3 new
investigators and 11 of our people we are working with (less actives,
investigators or recent converts) attended church! This work is moving

Well I sure love you guys..I pray for you always, and keep you in my
mind. I taught Relief Society on Father day..and gave a good salute to
you Dadda. Sure miss you. But how grateful I am for the Plan of
Salvation that I know we can be together forever!

Always and Forever,
Sister Johnson

Monday, June 2, 2014

11 months and counting...

Sorry didn't get to email last week, internet was down. Right now it is still down, so I'm using the senior couples computer..but we only get 30 sorry no time for stories or adventures..but I am very grateful that we get as much internet time as we do..most of the
outter islands don't even have internet..and elders and sisters go without email for five or six months not talking to anyone! So I feel grateful that we get as much time to talk as we do!

Transfers are in: Sister B is headed back, and Sister Alafoki (my second companion) is coming to Kiritimati Island..which means my first three companions..I have again had (in order) for the second time! Sister McD, Sister Lavulavu, and now Sister Alafoki! Hahaha!

I'm doing so well, working our heads off to get our investigators ready for their  baptismal dates: June 14.....BIG DAY!! 

Just for further notice..I live literally RIGHT next to the senior couple here..I can hear them doing their laundry..THAT CLOSE. President and Sister Anderson (He is in the Mission Presidency) so if you ever don't hear from me, you can email them..most likely their internet is down too..but it's an option.

Sister Cassita is a sweetheart. I was so so so happy when she came to Kiritimati..the joy of my whole week! As I am approaching my 11 month mark tomorrow..I'm just weeks away from hitting one year on a Time flies when you are working..doesn't it?

In the Kiribati culture you celebrate only two birthdays..your first birthday, and your celebrate your first birthday because you are still alive..a lot of deaths occur under the age of one because of the living circumstances..and I am feeling about the same way. I have almost survived one year..that has need to celebrate I'd say!! ..haha...21 is when you are "an adult" so most people here still think of me as a "youth" ..but hey, good thing the gospel is true no matter how old I am.

Sure missing you guys...But so so SO grateful to be here.

love you!
lil liz

(Nurse Cassita visited Lizzie's island last week.  She sent the following message & pictures) 

Mauri Mauri,

Your daughter is doing wonderful. I was sent to visit Kiritimati Island to check out the hospital and make some contacts with the medical personnel there. It was a successful trip. I also was able to treat another missionary.

But the best part of the trip was seeing your daughter. I know that I'm her nurse and senior but she has lifted me in a time of great need and now when I see her my spirit is recharged. This is one of the hardest missions in the world. Your daughter is no doubt one amazing Stripling Warrior!  You can be sure of that.

Here are some photos that I took while visiting. Their island doesn't always have great service for the internet or phone service. It's wild out here but I love it!

Have a wonderful day!

Sister Cassita