Dearest Family,
One of our investigators names is, "Maii"
She is a nurse at the hospital here in Bikenibeu.
Her duty as a nurse is to care for the malnourished children under the age of five.
She is the only nurse.
She is in charge of all the malnourished children in Kiribati.
She invited us to hold a family home evening at her house..and while we ate.. we talked about her work. I was fascinated. I was shocked. I was a little she told us stories and experiences that she has had working with malnourished children. How painful it is to her when her patients die. How hard it is for her to carry the work we talked..I wanted to do something to help..these sweet children..I asked her..What do you need? Milk? What can I can I help..what needs to be done?
One of our investigators names is, "Maii"
She is a nurse at the hospital here in Bikenibeu.
Her duty as a nurse is to care for the malnourished children under the age of five.
She is the only nurse.
She is in charge of all the malnourished children in Kiribati.
She invited us to hold a family home evening at her house..and while we ate.. we talked about her work. I was fascinated. I was shocked. I was a little she told us stories and experiences that she has had working with malnourished children. How painful it is to her when her patients die. How hard it is for her to carry the work we talked..I wanted to do something to help..these sweet children..I asked her..What do you need? Milk? What can I can I help..what needs to be done?
She said that the hospital provides for milk, and provides for everything while the children stay in the hospital but the problem is when these children go home from the hospital...they return to their homes..and the same problems happen. They are neglected. They are not fed. And the return to the hospital.
You want to fix malnourished children? she asked.. You have to fix the family.
Teach the fathers to find work, teach the mothers to love and nurture their children. But before that, teach couples to marry. Teach them to MARRY. Then have children.
If the gospel was lived. And people tried to do their best to follow God's commandments. If we headed to the words of the prophet...this world would be a better place.
On Thursday we were able to go visit her ward in the old run down Bikenbeu do some cleaning service for them..and to look at these sweet little bodies..boney, bodies..the life barely clinging to their bodies...was a little haunting...and honestly an experience I can't quite describe..nor will ever be able to but into words the feeling I felt as I watched these children suffer to fight for their lives.
That night in my prayers I prayed to Heavenly Father...I prayed and said, "Father, this isn't fair..why do I have food, and they don't? Why do some in this world live in abundance..and others don't?? How is that fair?" As I prayed I felt so much anger and confusion.
The impression I got to answer my prayers was this: "It is because we have not learned how to share."
I went back and talked to our investigator and nurse, to thank her for the experience we had in the hospital. Before I left..she asked..."Sister Johnson..are there a lot of malnourished children in America?" I shook my head, "No..not like this.." She said, "Maybe it is because they do not know...maybe you could be the one to let them know.." I told her.."I don't know how..but I'll do my best. I'll do my best to let those who live too abundantly in America realize there are those who don't..I don't know how I'll do it..but I'll do my best."
And that was this week. I don't know how. But I gotta do it. I gotta let people know..I gotta let them see - we can make this world a better place..we really can..if only we live the gospel..and share what blessings we have been given.
I, from this day forward am changed. I cannot go back. I have seen the suffering and must do something about it.
This is my prayer.