Sunday, August 31, 2014


WHOA. Okay before I respond back to all your sweet emails, GET THIS!

CHRISTMAS ISLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is that the craziest thing you ever heard?! I am getting transferred back to Christmas will be my last transfer..WHAT?! MY LAST TRANSFER. I will stay there for two and a half months, and then I will fly from Christmas to Hawaii to UTAH AND THEN I WILL BE HOME! WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!! THAT HAS NEVER BEEN DONE IN MISSION HISTORY! It's just crazy cause i'm getting sent back out to an outter island! BUT IT'S SO TRUE!
Whew, gotta calm down, but here are the details. I will leave Septer 21 to go to Fiji and then stay in Fiji a couple days to wait for a little plane to fly me to Christmas Island. Get there Sept 26 and stay there until Dec 17.
It's just all crazy, I just gotta be so grateful for the Lord. My time in Christmas was incredible..and LIFE CHANGING..and now I get to go back to the island where I really grew up on. I was only there before for 3.5 months, and then got called to be Sister Training Leader here..but I have kept thinking about the investigators I left on Christmas this WHOLE TIME. And when I heard President felt I should go clicked..There was work here I needed to do, and now there is work there I need to finish. I cannot believe it. Oh the Lord is good to us. And get this. My companion is...TONGAN! WHICH MEANS I WILL FINISH MY MISSION WITH LITERALLY 85% of my mission having been with with five Tongan companions..
Well I just had to get the word out! Oh which means, I won't get packages or letters again once I get don't send any..but thank you for all of your love and support!!!!

love you!
sister tiaontin

Sunday, August 24, 2014

A week in pictures...

a beautiful sunset.

The sweetest family, that changed my life. what struggles they have had. 

they have a small house and they never complain. they never wish they had more.
there is so much to learn from these people.
This is Nei. She is a MIRACLE! And just got baptized last week. This is at the chapel.

at her baptism! 
tribute to elder pauora who finished his time. he was an elder with me in Kiritimati. incredible guy, incredible voice.

This is little Bernard! He came to church, and we had a lesson after. He wanted a picture to put on his Duty to God book he's now working on. Whatta a sweetheart.

We live in Bouta now, which is about a 10 minute bike ride away from our area, so everyday we get a lovely bike ride to our area and this is the view! (PS- notice the road.. australia is spending 20 million dollars to give kiribati a new road! little by little!)

our cute little investigators home..let us all be thankful for what we have.

cute little kids..and that tin building in the back? that's the bathroom! 

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

In four months I will be in my house in America.

Dear Family,

This week was CRAZY! Isn't all weeks? Surely must be so.
But little glimpses of this week in the work:
1. My favorite of this week was when our investigator, "Bernard" received a witness that this church was true. We opened up his lesson in prayer, and then followed up. "Bernard, have you been able to pray about the Restoration of the gospel through the Prophet Joseph Smith?" His reply, "No, sorry I forgot to pray about it.." "Well Bernard, do you mind if we offered a prayer right now, and have you ask your Father in Heaven if it was true?" He agreed. We all got on our knees on his little grass hut and Bernard offered a sincere prayer. Right as he said Amen me and little Bernard made eye contact. He was smiling. So was I..we just looked at each other..and smiled..and then I said, "Do you feel it?" He was smiling with his whole mouth. He nodded his head, "Do you feel that happiness? That's Heavenly Father telling you that He is answering your prayers.." Our hearts were filled with the Spirit that lesson..we could barely talk right because we were all grinning so much! He is a wonderful boy -- son of a family of less actives -- we are hoping to all gather them up and help them come back into this church :)
2. There was so much rain, we little walked through puddles up to our knees! No exaggeration! When it rains, it pours here.
3.My Beloved Sister Cassita (the mission nurse) went home this week. I cried and cried. I can't even tell you guys how much she means to me..for this year and two months of my's just been us two white sisters, you can imagine how much we found comfort in each other. I gave her letters to give to you make sure you grab them from her when you go to her homecoming.
4. Most of all, you guys just gotta know that I love you, and care for you guys..and think and pray for blessings upon your heads.
Forever and always,
sister j

Sunday, August 10, 2014

His hand...

The sisters are doing good here..i cannot believe how good Heavenly Father has been to me this week..he is helping me so much in this work..we were able to get another 50 lessons this week AND WE DIDN'T WORK IN OUR AREA ON TUESDAY cause we went on splits. Seriously the work is so good..I was so stressed about our area when I first got to it..there was no one to teach..but a little hard work..and a lot of area is doing really good.

Funny our power dies from 6am to 6 pm everyday, so we went and stayed at the sisters house..and they had a fan in the room, and I got so cold by having just a fan blow on me, I had to go get my towel to sleep with, and find blankets...I think I will DIE when I come back in December..I don't know how to handle it..hahahahaha.

So really really REALLY grateful to the Lord...He is literally placing His hand in His work...and we are teaching people we never even dreamed we would..and AH! It's just a dream! I am really loving loving loving it. Life is good. Life is simple. 

I've gotta run, but don't ever forget I love you guys!!
Sister Liz