I transferred this week to be with SISTER LAVULAVU which we have now been companions three times and have worked in FOUR areas with her. She was my trainer! And it's been the BEST to come back and work with her again..seriously..it's been a dream..this week went by SO FAST because we are just busy with the work! We have LOTS of investigators! We had one baptism this week and have four planned for next week, and two for the week after that! Wow! The field is so white here!
One of the best moments of this week was yesterday. We went on splits -- and being brand new to the area made it a funny experience because I forgot where some of the houses were..but thank heavens for the Holy Ghost who really just led us to lesson after lesson!
We have two sisters who are taking lessons with us (we PRAY that their parents will want lessons..still working on them...) and our lesson was about the Holy Ghost.
Now teaching about the Holy Ghost is one of the most important lessons to teach..and honestly for me one of the hardest lessons to teach..really really describing how it FEELS..it's hard enough in English..let alone Kiribati.. so we decided to approach the situation differently.
We choose two songs..one a really crazy loud heavy beated song and we asked them to note how they felt as the song played..then we found a really beautiful church song -- a piano arrangement of a hymn -- and asked the two girls what the difference was..could the feel the spirit leave as the first song played? What words could describe the second song? We described that the second song -- the spiritual song --is like how we feel when we receive the Holy Ghost..those feelings of peace and calmness..is how the Holy Ghost speaks to us.
I sure am grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost..and have been really trying to understand how the Holy Ghost speaks to me..it's all a leanring process isn't it.. :)
Sure love you guys!! My little samoan daughter comes next week!
Sister Johnson