the things of my soul:
Some images of Kiribati I will never be able to forget.
palm trees plastered against blue skies
the heat of the white sand against my worn crocs
children playing with empty soda can bottles
the way the men carry buckets of water
the way the women carry their children on their backs
I'll never forget the smells of Kiribati..the smell of coconuts, the smell of heat, the smell of sweat, the smell of fish cooking on an open fire...oh the smell of smoke, if smells could stain - I am certain smoke would.. The locals often joke that that is the perfume of Kiribat: open fire smoke..I stand as testament to that..I often come home after long days to smell my clothes..and I am reminded of all the open fire smokes we passed walking home..the smell of all the Kiribati ladies cooking their rice and their fish to feed their families.
I'll never forget watching families sit down to eat..on the concrete floor, sitting crossleged while their fresh food sits in big bowls before them. They use no utensils..and sitting in a circle on the ground their empty bellies are filled again..
Oh Kiribati. Your beauty does not only come from the textures, tastes, smells, and scenery of your comes from you heart.
I will spend the rest of my life teaching and telling people about the love of Kiribati..the extreme Christ-like love that is shown on a day-to-day basis. I was reminded of that this week.
Because of the economic circumstances of the people here they cannot afford the word, "mine." Do you relize how much the word "mine" costs? therefore they do not own anything personally..but the only word their small pockets can buy is the word, "OURS" For that word has no price. If you own do I. If I own something, so do you..This is the connection that literally unites the whole island into one family. Their ability to share and give is what keeps a little tiny island going round.
This week I saw two little girls. Only one girl had a pair of worn flipflops, the other walked barefoot. Minutes later I looked back at these girls, and each girl had one flip flop.. they were holding hands..and they were walking to church...
This simple moments of love I see EVERY. DAY. These people are so much closer to Christ than I have ever seen. I was reading in 2 Nephi and read this beautiful verse in 2 Nephi 26:
30 Behold, the Lord hath forbidden this thing; wherefore, the Lord God hath given a commandment that all men should have charity, which charity is love.
I love the advice Sister Tiatia gave me this week: love the land, love the work, and love the Lord.
Amen to that.
Sister J