Sunday, December 14, 2014

Last love from Tarawa

dear family,

i have never felt such happiness before in my whole life. The Lord honestly has given me such a blessing to have this beautiful, happy closure to my mission..

..i just can't thank you guys enough for seeing me until the end..I honestly never thought I would be able to finish this mission..there were some trials that literally were close to breaking me, but thanks to your support and love..I've made it..I can't believe it..I've made it.

I have so much to tell you -- but I've got family here I've got to go visit before I come home.. love you all so much. see you in four days!! LOVE YOU!

I will write one more blog post when I get home because there is a lot I want to say!! I just don't have time right now.

love you!! Tiakaboo!!!
sister johnson

Sunday, December 7, 2014

my testimony.

if anything has changed about me, it would be my testimony.
i love God.
i love that He speaks through prophets to guide His Church.
i love the Holy Ghost.
i love to feel the calmness and the escape this church brings to me.
i love the repentance changed me.
i love the idea that i will see Father.
i love the idea that families can be together forever.

love you!
ten days,
sister johnson

PS. For those of you who would like to come, Lizzie's homecoming is going to be December 28th at 11:00 am. It will be at the Rock Church in Farmington, Utah. The address is: 272 North Main St. You are welcome to join us after at our home for a brunch. Thank you for your love and support of our sweet Lizzie!!  - Robin (her mom)