Our baptism from the last area. Her twin sister and friend were also baptized :)
View from our chapel...:)
Fun story from this week. I forget that I even brought makeup, but we pulled it out the other day..and my two cute companions were going CRAZY over the makeup! They just wanted pictures and pictures of themselves...they were darling.
These are old pictures i never sent because it took too long, but I figured out how to do it, and i've got to send you all the pictures! This is from the plane! Isn't the view gorgoues!?
This is my little district that I came with, and no ALL The elders from my zone are on outer islands...literally EVERYONE is gone! Sis McD and Eld are on Christmas, and all
the seven elders are on outers.
Christmas Day!!! Our skype session with Sister Johnson :)
Lizzie shared with us some wonderful stories on our Christmas call. Here are two favorites:
The people are Polynesian and so Lizzie sticks out with her
fair skin. She is the only white sister missionary on the island. Lizzie is usually amazing with children but she has to be careful because
many children have never seen a white person before. She told us that she recently saw a beautiful baby and smiled and started to talk to
her. The baby started crying and then Lizzie realized she might have scared
her. She told the mother, “I am so
sorry – I forgot I was white!”
Life is very primitive on the island. They have no
transportation so they walk about 2 hours a day to get to all their
appointments. In their current house, they pump their own water, they hand wash
their clothes, manually flush their toilets and have limited electricity. Recently,
Lizzie had to fill out some reports one night and had no light. She used a belt
and strapped her cell phone to her head and wrote by the light of the phone.
Every time the light went off she had to hit her head to turn it on again.
One day, as she was carrying buckets of water to do the
laundry, she said in frustration to Heavenly Father, “I sure hope I get extra
blessings for this!” She heard the Spirit whisper back to her – “The blessing
is that you know any different.” She asked us to be grateful for all the comforts
of life that we are privileged to enjoy.
Lizzie asked us to thank everyone for their love, prayers, packages and letters! Her mission is very hard and she is buoyed up by the love and strength she has recieved from everyone back home. Thank you all for your support. Merry Christmas!!!