Saturday, December 28, 2013

Pictures & Christmas phone call stories

Our baptism from the last area. Her twin sister and friend were also baptized :)
 View from our chapel...:)
Fun story from this week. I forget that I even brought makeup, but we pulled it out the other day..and my two cute companions were going CRAZY over the makeup! They just wanted pictures and pictures of themselves...they were darling. 

These are old pictures i never sent because it took too long, but I figured out how to do it, and i've got to send you all the pictures! This is from the plane! Isn't the view gorgoues!?

This is my little district that I came with, and no ALL The elders from my zone are on outer islands...literally EVERYONE is gone! Sis McD and Eld are on Christmas, and all 
the seven elders are on outers. 

Christmas Day!!! Our skype session with Sister Johnson :)

Lizzie shared with us some wonderful stories on our Christmas call. Here are two favorites:

The people are Polynesian and so Lizzie sticks out with her fair skin. She is the only white sister missionary on the island. Lizzie is usually amazing with children but she has to be careful because many children have never seen a white person before. She told us that she recently saw a beautiful baby and smiled and started to talk to her. The baby started crying and then Lizzie realized she might have scared her. She told the mother, “I am  so sorry – I forgot I was white!”

Life is very primitive on the island. They have no transportation so they walk about 2 hours a day to get to all their appointments. In their current house, they pump their own water, they hand wash their clothes, manually flush their toilets and have limited electricity. Recently, Lizzie had to fill out some reports one night and had no light. She used a belt and strapped her cell phone to her head and wrote by the light of the phone. Every time the light went off she had to hit her head to turn it on again.

One day, as she was carrying buckets of water to do the laundry, she said in frustration to Heavenly Father, “I sure hope I get extra blessings for this!” She heard the Spirit whisper back to her – “The blessing is that you know any different.” She asked us to be grateful for all the comforts of life that we are privileged to enjoy.

Lizzie asked us to thank everyone for their love, prayers, packages and letters! Her mission is very hard and she is buoyed up by the love and strength she has recieved from everyone back home. Thank you all for your support. Merry Christmas!!!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

I did it

 seriously is this not Sarah Jane Johnson in a Kiribati version? I swear I've seen you make this face before Sarah! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this week we taught on the top of one of our investigators roof..images i will never forget.

 my little kids in my ward, THEY LOVE ME AND I LOVE THEM. seriously..i'm gettin smushed in this picture.

I'm totally from Kiribati because I MADE THIS MAT! Don't believe me? No it's for reals. I watched the man cut the branch from the coconut tree, and I weaved it up all nice. 

Family. I did it.

Remember last week I was feeling all dreary? I fought it, and GREW!
On Sunday we were walking to church and I was feeling a little blue. Heavenly Father is really teaching me about patience -- and right now it is evident by everything that I would want, I don't have. I will never taste a ham sandwich, or feel carpet under my feet. I will never get goosebumps, or stop sweating for another year...I was getting all down about all the things I didn't have..and THEN I was when we sang the opening hymn..
We were sitting in the front row because our investigator was receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost that day..and the sweet people - remember how they have no pianos? So sometimes the tune is a little, or a lot, off...and these saints started to sing..and their voices all combined off tune, on tune, ah, but it didn't matter because EVERYONE was singing with their WHOLE voice. I seriously couldn't hear myself singing so I started to sing louder, and louder and I really couldn't even hear myself..and I thought, you know what Sister J? Yes, there is a lot of things I don't have..but something I do have is being able to sing in church and not even hear my own voice.

Second experience.

I was sitting in church and my sweet investigator put her head on my touching as it was, I knew she had lice, and was starting to feel a little worried about myself, and if I would get lice on so forth and then I thought, and why am I thinking about myself? So what if I get lice? And so I fought the urge to be concerned about myself and I stroked her hair and gave her all the love in the world.
And this is what I've learned. We don't trust enough the promise that the Lord gives to us, "If you lose your life, you will find it." Lose your opinions, your desires, your habits, lose your perception that you are something great, or something little...just lose it all and trust that Heavenly Father will take better care of us then we could ourselves. So this is my commitment to you back at home and to our Father in Heaven. Trust the promise. 

More news: This week was a lot lot better than last week. It wasn't any was just that I used my spritual workout muscles and got a little stronger. Often times I think, "If i quit when I'm tired, I will only stay at the same level..but if I push just a little more...yepp that's when the muscles come." weird, but true. We hit 42 lessons this week. FORTY TWO. Do you know how much work that is?! Mercy!!!!!!! I am so tired today! My senior companion is SUCH a hard worker, and I am so happy to follow her in her decisions -- to go to one more backup lesson before heading home, to have spontaneous lessons - just all these things that require discipline and work. Sometimes I get intimidated by the Sacred calling of being a missionary..but after almost six months, I'm starting to get it. I spent so much time being down on myself...but I think I'm finally starting to look up :)

And man about simplyfiing is SIMPLE here. True story. I sang a solo at the ward christmas party. True story. For christmas all the members were given a roll of dental floss...and mercy how they loved it. That was their christmas..a roll of dental I love these people. I love how simple. there isn't any fancy foods, fancy decorations, fancy anything..but just Christmas. It's SO WEIRD that it's really doesn't feel like Christmas..hahaha it was so funny, I suggested we cut out snowflakes to decorate our house..and my Kiribati companion was like, "What's snowflakes?" Hahaha!
Love you All,
Sister Johnson

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Heart Carve

Bishop told a true story in fast and testimony meeting a couple months ago that I have fallen in love with ever since. Background to this story: very few people own cars.

This bishop was fortunate enough to purchase a car. No doubt with a loan, a lot of hard work, and even more pennies pinched (to work for the church you get paid $1.00/hour and that's a good job) He was so excited he drove his car home to his family. A couple days later he heard a noise -- one that he had never heard before -- a loud scratching noise. He wasn't bothered by it and kept about his doings..but the noise didn't stop. He went to find the source and found his son scratching into the side of his newly purchased car. Furiated, he started to yell at his son. All his hard work, and even more the car wasn't even payed off yet. He spanked him and sent his crying son into the house. Only after his anger he surveyed the damage. To his astonishment, the son had carved into the car, "Dad, I love you." (Ngai I tangiriko Tamau)

He was humbled. His son only wanted him to forever remind him that he was loved.
This is just about my feelings with my mission right now. Heavenly Father has taken me and carved into my heart that He loves me. But it's come with a little pain, a little disfiguration, and I've often felt like that Bishop who's first reaction was to be angry. In all honesty this mission is really hard. I laughed when I read Alex Morris's letter to me, "Most people are pretty surprised how hard missions are.." complimented with Dad's statement, "the increasing gap between what you thought a mission would be and what you are actually experiencing only grows." Aaaamen.

I guess what I'm trying to get that we don't know the meaning of all things...or why we change..or why anything else. But I know from 3 Nephi 10 that before the Savior came..the land was changed..not just rearranged, but changed. Permanently. So great was the change that, "the land became deformed" and "great was the change of the land" and only then were the people prepared to be greeted by the Savior. But it's those moments right before the Savior comes..the destruction, and the deformation, the "carvings" that's hard to see the meanings for...but there is meaning.

Anyway. Thanks for listening as I work to figure out who I am as a missionary, and why hard things happen, and all those others things that I question and wrestle with. I don't have it all figured out, but writing home helps me see that I'm getting there because I share a little of what I've learned. So thanks for listening fam-bam. You all mean the world to me.

Yours Forever,
Sister J

Monday, December 2, 2013

Bikibeu news...

As for your questions. How am I? So good. Right now I'm on my 6th companion -- (four real companions) but I'm in a trio right now. Sister Tarie and Sister Alafoki, but Sister Alafoki is working in a different area temporarily. Just a transfer that lasted really long. But it's so good! I keep getting changed, but I think I'm finally in the area I'm going to stay in for a while. 

I moved to Bikibeu, and the food here is really good! So I'm grateful. 

The ward is KILLER. I am in love with every single one of them. The people are good too, and I know I've got to be patient with them. In our last area, everyone progressed so fast!!  I know in this area I will need to use my patience if they don't progress as fast. 

Yesterday at church, I seriously couldn't believe that it was is just HOT here and doesn't feel like Christmas AT ALL AT ALL! Hahaha, but that's okay. Wanna know something? If everything works out like I think it will, I will be coming home around December 14, almost one year from two weeks. So I try to serve my best. One more year momma! 

Our families membership in the church means everything to me. To be able to say, "au utu ni kabane, kain te aro" (all my family is from my religion) when we introduce ourselves means so much. In fact, I could produce a visa credit card ad about all the "priceless things" I've learned on my mission..but one that I treasure the most is my family's activity in the church. I am so grateful that your faith is continuing to increase...and moving forward.

Thanks for the emails, and packages and love! 

I love you with nanou ni kabane. (all my heart)
From your little girl, who is just about to grow up!

Sister Johnson.