Sunday, January 26, 2014

Te tarie

 So me and Sister McDaniel were companions again for five days..HA! 
She'll be in my district in BETIO!

 Teaching a lesson at the chapel.

te tarie the ocean. 

(Andrew shared with Lizzie that he got released from the bishopric today)

As I think about these five years while you have been in the bishopric, it makes me laugh a little..I remember specifically one trip to Torrey we played the, "in five years"game where we guessed what everyone would be doing...we guessed that I would be married before Crissy, Crissy would maybe serve a mission - go into Chiropratic..we laughed at the thought of Sarah driving...and now what a LIFE we have! I never ever thought I'd serve a mission..but here I sit in a crowded internet cafe reminiscing about our families life. I never knew Crissy would fall in love and be so committed to getting married. Wow, what a turn around from before..and little Sarah, DRIVING. And mom too! She's a different person! Man, I admire her for her commitment to share the healing she's had. And Devin -- still figuring out all his talents..they don't seem to end! Percussion - golf - and always getting hurt. What a good student he is. Man, Dad, as the head of our house, you truly scored! I sure love our family, and as it shifts into the adult Crissy gets married, I moved out..I guess I agree with you when you said, "Every stage of being a parent is the best stage." Personally -- sometimes I really want to move home again though..hahahahah. 

I got an interview with President and he told me I will be transfering again! This time I will move to Betio (the "New York City" of Tarawa) so many people, so many stores, so many ADVENTURES await downtown in Betio. My companion is from Kiribati and doesn't speak english AT ALL, so I'm excited for this new challenge. I'll be sad to leave this ward, it truely has been life changing..the people, the food, the stories, and the adventures...

I think it's an understatement that I am coming home a different person...dealing with the food, the poverty, the language and ....also learning how to have a companion. But I wouldn't take it back for one simple reason: I am now confident that I can get married. Do you know how many arguments, how many disagreements I had to get through? Whew. How many times I went to bed mad - or times I'd stay up and talk about it. Finding the right moments to stand up for myself, finding the right times to back down. Learning that the 50/50 rule is the worst myth of's 100% 100% . Because if you only meet in the middle, you stay in your comfort zone, but as you step past the 50% barrier, you start walking in your companions area, their feeling, their understanding about life and if you go all the way to 100% you end up in their shoes..their thoughts..and you can understand why they do the things they do..and so on because only then can you -- standing in your companions area -- see your faults. WHEW. I can see why marriage is hard and I wouldn't take these memories away. I think I'm coming back I feel like I am gonna start seeing gray hairs on me cause i've been so stressed! Maybe wrinkles too. We'll see.

Well, untill next week, sure LOVE YOU!Liz

Sunday, January 19, 2014

whatta week

 Our baptism! Both ladies baptized. Wonderful, wonderful day for them. 
 "The Miracle Family" 
 This is my sister, for reals, my sister.
We had a chapel being dedicated and had a huge huge event. This is me and my dear President and his wife at the event. We were guests of honor and 
got to wear flower crowns! Best ever!

I can't wait to tell you this story.
It started about a month ago.
For our ward we do this activity every Tuesday called, "The Rescue". What we do is all the members from our ward come and we divide into groups and then go visit the less actives. It has been SO powerful for our ward since we have a lllooottt of less actives. Anyway. Us sisters go to a couple houses every time and we ended up in the home of Mauri (the Father). We got into the house, sat down, and asked if we could do anything to help because He hadn't been coming to church for a be exact, twenty years. 

He told us that he had found another faith - he was content in the catholic religion now, so you guys have your religion, and we'll have ours. He was polite but firm. We left, but continued to go back to the house. And here is where the miracle starts...we starting teaching his son with the help of the sisters from Temaiku. His son was baptized. Then we started teaching his wife. All our lessons we had just with the wife - just grateful that Mauri let us teach with her. At one of our lessons right before we started I popped my head out the door and in the shyest voice just asked, "Ko kukurei n ongo ara rongorongo?" Are you happy to hear our message too? He agreed and we all sat down as a family. We taught the lesson and afterward asked if there was anything they wanted to share. We started with the younger son who bore testimony to his mom that this was the truth. Then the mom told us she was grateful for the lesson and then it was Mauri's turn to share. I can't remember exactly what he said, it was more of the feeling that was powerful, but he started to tear up and cry and said, "My faith has always been in this church." He continued to share why he had left the church so long ago. As a child he did not go to school and therefore did not learn to read...he was embarassed as they would ask him to read in church and hated that feeling that he couldn't read, and because of that left to go to the Catholic church, where only the Pastor reads the scriptures. The spirit was so thick. At the end, as tears were still coming down his face he said so slowly as to drag his feelings, really pull them from his soul he said, "This church is wonderful."
And yesterday his wife was baptized, which completes the family of Mauri. All members of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

His little daughter is only we are preparing Mauri to baptize her in March. This is a miracle family. And they really are my family. Sister 'Alafoki got sick so I just went with Sister McDaniel to teach lesson with them. When we got there, he said to us, cancel the lesson! We're going to go to see sister Alafoki! He then sat us down and the man that once had barely welcomed us into his house told me (and Sister McDaniel) "You have no family here, if you are us...if you need food..tell us...if you are tired, sleep here...We are your family here." It was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said. To top off their goodness and charity Mauri does not have work..they have no income..but EVERY lesson, they insist on feeding us. Insist. And I am pretty sure that food money - wherever they get it - instead of going to them, goes to us.
And this is my miracle family. What joy the gospel brings. I bear testimony that the Heavenly Father is aware of us, so very aware of us..and his to help us return to Him. He lives.
I love you my sweet family.
Sister Johnson

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Rain & tender mercies...

 rainy beach days
 you know what i like? my hair is always curly. not because it's humid, but I ALWAYS have it up on a bun cause it's so hot I don't even like it in a braid..and so it's real fun to have curly hair just for a little while. 
 RAIN! This is just outside of our house, and it is so deep the rain!
 oh, so this lady is the cutest. I was introducing myself, and happened to have pictures of you guys with me (I usually keep them at home by my bed..) anyway she saw our little family and was so cute! She wanted to hear about everyone and she sends you all her love. 
me and sis Alafoki were waiting for the bus and trying to take funny pictures to 
breeze the time by..just for funzies.

Dad - remember when you told me the last couple weeks to smell the roses, memorize scenery, breathe deep the smell of the ocean...ah, it really helped me fully expereience this mission. We were walking to one of our lessons and I saw this beautiful bush with bright red flowers. I plucked one off, and pressed it in my Kiribati Book Of Mormon to dry...Later that night I asked my companion what the name of the flower was called..she said, "It's a rose." and I was blown away..a little tender mercy from Heavenly Father to find a "Island style Rose" right in my scriptures to remember you always. 

Do you love the rain picture? When it rains here - the rain POURS! I love it, everyone comes out and showers..literallly sometimes we can't work, not cause we don't want to, but everyone grabs their soap bars and runs under a rain gutter and takes a shower!

One of the priceless lessons I've learned out here lately...just live and let go of the expectations and the outcomes..because Heavenly Father can create such a beautiful life for us..if we but only give him the chance to do so..when we are so focused on what we think should happen, what WE want to happen, we miss the point! 

Thanks for all your love and support! lots of love!
sister johnson

Sunday, January 5, 2014


 our three baptisms and one child of record
 these kids are my LIFE! MY LIFE I TELL YA! 
They call me captain Johnson, and I call them my crew:)
 spot the white sister! These are all my island sisters who serve faithfully here on the island.

Just thought I'd start the email out with that startling fact..but numbers don't matter. People do. YOU GOTTA LISTEN TO ME THIS WEEK I AM SO HAPPY BECAUSE WE HAD SUCH A INCREDIBLE WEEK I STILL FEEL LIKE I AM ON CAPS LOCK CAUSE I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so happy
I am so happy
Let's do a shout,
and turn all about,
and teach and preach,
and gather the Lord's sheep.

Ok. I have retyped this email three times now. I'm going to get it right this time. But I kept the first part, cause it makes me laugh.

We had three incredible baptisms and I want to talk a little about each of them.
The first is Tauaua.
He is 16 years old..and today is actually his birthday. He was baptized on Saturday and given the gift of the Holy Ghost on Sunday. I think I've told you about him before, but we've been working with him for months now. Almost everyday visiting him as he tried and tried and tried to keep the word of wisdom. We would come to lessons and sometimes he would tell us he was doing drugs, sometimes he would be clean for a couple days, sometimes you never know what to expect at our lessons with him. Some lessons I got so discouraged and I felt I was dragging him to the gospel..pushing him so hard to quit drugs, hammering him for not reading or praying about the Prophet Joseph Smith, but doing my best to let him know first that I loved him. Whether he prayed about our church or not. Whether he did drugs or not. I loved him for the Son of God that he is. I've never worked so hard for an investigator because I've never seen so much potential in a person before. He could move mountains if he wanted to! Anyway, lessons and lessons and commitments and invitations later He was baptized. And if that wasn't a miracle enough this is. When he was confirmed a member of the church, part of that blessing included that he would serve a mission. I'm sitting in this little cafeteria emailing you about this and I'm tearing up. One day, he'll serve a mission. I can't explain to you my feelings right now. I worked so hard for that kid, and now look at him...

The second was Taboia.
He is 14 years old, but you'd never know because he is so little. Malnourished. He has no father, his mother is..I don't know how to describe it..but my little brother Taboia takes care of his family...and once again..he is fourteen years old. He's is one of my closest friends here on Tarawa..weird? Yes. But for some reason we really connect and he brings out the 14 year old in me. We sat next to each other in church, and I just wanted to talk to him and laugh and he turned to me, and told me to be reverent. HA! I was so embarrassed! Hello Sister Missionary?!

The third is a sweet girl Arerei. She is eleven years old and is BEAUTIFUL. After her baptism she got up to bear her testimony. During her testimony she realized her mom had showed up at her baptism (really strong in the protestant faith) and she started to was too touching. After her family came up and gave her a big hug..and kinda held her and she cried..and I saw a little eternal glimpse of really what the gospel does for families.

The other incredible moments were bringing three families to church. One of the fathers were less active and hadn't come to church in over ten years..but he bravely walked to church with his family. It was a miracle.

This week was a week to remember.

Oh, and I forgot. I'm going to be companions with my MTC companion, Sister McDaniel again. We will three-some in my area I'm working in with Sister Alafoki. I laughed so hard when they told me! I was just companions with her! But I'm totally happy with it cause there will finally be ANOTHER WHITE SISTER ON THE ISLAND.

And a special moment of TRUE GRATITUDE to my extended family back home.
Auntie Kris: you sweet people. I can't tell you how much the protein shakes mean to me. It is a whole MEAL..and especially because we don't have veggies out really were so thoughtful and has been SO SO SO helpful. I can't say enough to thank you while I'm on the other side of the world, but you better believe when I get home I'll be canning peaches with you until I die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you, thank you, from my heart to yours. It really has been a life saver.
Auntie Beth: I LOVE THE CALENDAR! The pictures were so inspiring! And the cashews! Ahhh! Manna from heaven! And the tictacs..I missed those so much. Thank you thank you thank you from my heart to yours. It was such a blessing. And my favorite was the bookmarks with the picture that YOU DREW. Ah! A little piece of your art is now scattered on the island of Kiribati.
Auntie Jane: The two picture from Hazel (The Christmas tree and the picture of Jesus) hang up right above my study desk. Oh to have a little piece of Hazel out here means so much to me! Thank you so much! And the food...IS INCREDIBLE! Thank you so much for sending me something, I know it costs so much..but please know how much it truly means to me! I will spend summers in Wyoming to help repay the love you give to me!

Thank you guys so much for your prayers and support. It means everything to me!
Sister Johnson