Sunday, January 26, 2014

Te tarie

 So me and Sister McDaniel were companions again for five days..HA! 
She'll be in my district in BETIO!

 Teaching a lesson at the chapel.

te tarie the ocean. 

(Andrew shared with Lizzie that he got released from the bishopric today)

As I think about these five years while you have been in the bishopric, it makes me laugh a little..I remember specifically one trip to Torrey we played the, "in five years"game where we guessed what everyone would be doing...we guessed that I would be married before Crissy, Crissy would maybe serve a mission - go into Chiropratic..we laughed at the thought of Sarah driving...and now what a LIFE we have! I never ever thought I'd serve a mission..but here I sit in a crowded internet cafe reminiscing about our families life. I never knew Crissy would fall in love and be so committed to getting married. Wow, what a turn around from before..and little Sarah, DRIVING. And mom too! She's a different person! Man, I admire her for her commitment to share the healing she's had. And Devin -- still figuring out all his talents..they don't seem to end! Percussion - golf - and always getting hurt. What a good student he is. Man, Dad, as the head of our house, you truly scored! I sure love our family, and as it shifts into the adult Crissy gets married, I moved out..I guess I agree with you when you said, "Every stage of being a parent is the best stage." Personally -- sometimes I really want to move home again though..hahahahah. 

I got an interview with President and he told me I will be transfering again! This time I will move to Betio (the "New York City" of Tarawa) so many people, so many stores, so many ADVENTURES await downtown in Betio. My companion is from Kiribati and doesn't speak english AT ALL, so I'm excited for this new challenge. I'll be sad to leave this ward, it truely has been life changing..the people, the food, the stories, and the adventures...

I think it's an understatement that I am coming home a different person...dealing with the food, the poverty, the language and ....also learning how to have a companion. But I wouldn't take it back for one simple reason: I am now confident that I can get married. Do you know how many arguments, how many disagreements I had to get through? Whew. How many times I went to bed mad - or times I'd stay up and talk about it. Finding the right moments to stand up for myself, finding the right times to back down. Learning that the 50/50 rule is the worst myth of's 100% 100% . Because if you only meet in the middle, you stay in your comfort zone, but as you step past the 50% barrier, you start walking in your companions area, their feeling, their understanding about life and if you go all the way to 100% you end up in their shoes..their thoughts..and you can understand why they do the things they do..and so on because only then can you -- standing in your companions area -- see your faults. WHEW. I can see why marriage is hard and I wouldn't take these memories away. I think I'm coming back I feel like I am gonna start seeing gray hairs on me cause i've been so stressed! Maybe wrinkles too. We'll see.

Well, untill next week, sure LOVE YOU!Liz

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