Sunday, October 13, 2013

General Conference

Dearest Family,

GENERAL CONFERENCE. I guess my spiritual thought this week doesn't come from me, but from the reality that this church is the church declared by the Apostle Paul, "One Lord. One Faith. One Baptism. One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." This church is true!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the ways I know it is by watching general conference. Wasn't it cute when Elder S. Gifford Nielson got so excited about his exclamation points? I was loving it. And I respect so much the vulnerability of President Jeffery R. Holland to speak about depression..and Elder Dube's talk! Ah. 

We had two investigators come watch general conference with us. The first a little girl named: Nei Reea. She's 12 years old and will be getting baptized soon! We're so excited about her! And the other: Moteaki..he's around 65, and he came and watched it! And then at our lesson bore his testimony that he knows that President Thomas S. Monson is a prophet called of God. The gospel feels so good!
Make it a great week!
Love, Sister J

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