Sunday, October 27, 2013


Man, time goes by so quick on email! 

I got some good emails in personally, so nothing too long for everyone -- but hey guess what? I got transferred! Remember how I just got transferred? Yepp -- getting transfered again. This mission is pretty spontanous with the transfers...they told Sister Lavulavu she is  gonna work on Christmas Island, and a couple days later she is gone! So I'm with Sister Alafoki from Tonga. Hahahahahahahaha. We are moving zones, and white washing again..and mercy our area? Takes 10 minutes to drive's huge! Well, huge if you are sisters walking by foot...but I'm not sure how email will go because I move zones, and it's all new...but I will let you know. I'm working in an area called Bairiki. Hahah, so sorry, must run but I'll email you next week!


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