Saturday, December 28, 2013

Pictures & Christmas phone call stories

Our baptism from the last area. Her twin sister and friend were also baptized :)
 View from our chapel...:)
Fun story from this week. I forget that I even brought makeup, but we pulled it out the other day..and my two cute companions were going CRAZY over the makeup! They just wanted pictures and pictures of themselves...they were darling. 

These are old pictures i never sent because it took too long, but I figured out how to do it, and i've got to send you all the pictures! This is from the plane! Isn't the view gorgoues!?

This is my little district that I came with, and no ALL The elders from my zone are on outer islands...literally EVERYONE is gone! Sis McD and Eld are on Christmas, and all 
the seven elders are on outers. 

Christmas Day!!! Our skype session with Sister Johnson :)

Lizzie shared with us some wonderful stories on our Christmas call. Here are two favorites:

The people are Polynesian and so Lizzie sticks out with her fair skin. She is the only white sister missionary on the island. Lizzie is usually amazing with children but she has to be careful because many children have never seen a white person before. She told us that she recently saw a beautiful baby and smiled and started to talk to her. The baby started crying and then Lizzie realized she might have scared her. She told the mother, “I am  so sorry – I forgot I was white!”

Life is very primitive on the island. They have no transportation so they walk about 2 hours a day to get to all their appointments. In their current house, they pump their own water, they hand wash their clothes, manually flush their toilets and have limited electricity. Recently, Lizzie had to fill out some reports one night and had no light. She used a belt and strapped her cell phone to her head and wrote by the light of the phone. Every time the light went off she had to hit her head to turn it on again.

One day, as she was carrying buckets of water to do the laundry, she said in frustration to Heavenly Father, “I sure hope I get extra blessings for this!” She heard the Spirit whisper back to her – “The blessing is that you know any different.” She asked us to be grateful for all the comforts of life that we are privileged to enjoy.

Lizzie asked us to thank everyone for their love, prayers, packages and letters! Her mission is very hard and she is buoyed up by the love and strength she has recieved from everyone back home. Thank you all for your support. Merry Christmas!!!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

I did it

 seriously is this not Sarah Jane Johnson in a Kiribati version? I swear I've seen you make this face before Sarah! I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this week we taught on the top of one of our investigators roof..images i will never forget.

 my little kids in my ward, THEY LOVE ME AND I LOVE THEM. seriously..i'm gettin smushed in this picture.

I'm totally from Kiribati because I MADE THIS MAT! Don't believe me? No it's for reals. I watched the man cut the branch from the coconut tree, and I weaved it up all nice. 

Family. I did it.

Remember last week I was feeling all dreary? I fought it, and GREW!
On Sunday we were walking to church and I was feeling a little blue. Heavenly Father is really teaching me about patience -- and right now it is evident by everything that I would want, I don't have. I will never taste a ham sandwich, or feel carpet under my feet. I will never get goosebumps, or stop sweating for another year...I was getting all down about all the things I didn't have..and THEN I was when we sang the opening hymn..
We were sitting in the front row because our investigator was receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost that day..and the sweet people - remember how they have no pianos? So sometimes the tune is a little, or a lot, off...and these saints started to sing..and their voices all combined off tune, on tune, ah, but it didn't matter because EVERYONE was singing with their WHOLE voice. I seriously couldn't hear myself singing so I started to sing louder, and louder and I really couldn't even hear myself..and I thought, you know what Sister J? Yes, there is a lot of things I don't have..but something I do have is being able to sing in church and not even hear my own voice.

Second experience.

I was sitting in church and my sweet investigator put her head on my touching as it was, I knew she had lice, and was starting to feel a little worried about myself, and if I would get lice on so forth and then I thought, and why am I thinking about myself? So what if I get lice? And so I fought the urge to be concerned about myself and I stroked her hair and gave her all the love in the world.
And this is what I've learned. We don't trust enough the promise that the Lord gives to us, "If you lose your life, you will find it." Lose your opinions, your desires, your habits, lose your perception that you are something great, or something little...just lose it all and trust that Heavenly Father will take better care of us then we could ourselves. So this is my commitment to you back at home and to our Father in Heaven. Trust the promise. 

More news: This week was a lot lot better than last week. It wasn't any was just that I used my spritual workout muscles and got a little stronger. Often times I think, "If i quit when I'm tired, I will only stay at the same level..but if I push just a little more...yepp that's when the muscles come." weird, but true. We hit 42 lessons this week. FORTY TWO. Do you know how much work that is?! Mercy!!!!!!! I am so tired today! My senior companion is SUCH a hard worker, and I am so happy to follow her in her decisions -- to go to one more backup lesson before heading home, to have spontaneous lessons - just all these things that require discipline and work. Sometimes I get intimidated by the Sacred calling of being a missionary..but after almost six months, I'm starting to get it. I spent so much time being down on myself...but I think I'm finally starting to look up :)

And man about simplyfiing is SIMPLE here. True story. I sang a solo at the ward christmas party. True story. For christmas all the members were given a roll of dental floss...and mercy how they loved it. That was their christmas..a roll of dental I love these people. I love how simple. there isn't any fancy foods, fancy decorations, fancy anything..but just Christmas. It's SO WEIRD that it's really doesn't feel like Christmas..hahaha it was so funny, I suggested we cut out snowflakes to decorate our house..and my Kiribati companion was like, "What's snowflakes?" Hahaha!
Love you All,
Sister Johnson

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Heart Carve

Bishop told a true story in fast and testimony meeting a couple months ago that I have fallen in love with ever since. Background to this story: very few people own cars.

This bishop was fortunate enough to purchase a car. No doubt with a loan, a lot of hard work, and even more pennies pinched (to work for the church you get paid $1.00/hour and that's a good job) He was so excited he drove his car home to his family. A couple days later he heard a noise -- one that he had never heard before -- a loud scratching noise. He wasn't bothered by it and kept about his doings..but the noise didn't stop. He went to find the source and found his son scratching into the side of his newly purchased car. Furiated, he started to yell at his son. All his hard work, and even more the car wasn't even payed off yet. He spanked him and sent his crying son into the house. Only after his anger he surveyed the damage. To his astonishment, the son had carved into the car, "Dad, I love you." (Ngai I tangiriko Tamau)

He was humbled. His son only wanted him to forever remind him that he was loved.
This is just about my feelings with my mission right now. Heavenly Father has taken me and carved into my heart that He loves me. But it's come with a little pain, a little disfiguration, and I've often felt like that Bishop who's first reaction was to be angry. In all honesty this mission is really hard. I laughed when I read Alex Morris's letter to me, "Most people are pretty surprised how hard missions are.." complimented with Dad's statement, "the increasing gap between what you thought a mission would be and what you are actually experiencing only grows." Aaaamen.

I guess what I'm trying to get that we don't know the meaning of all things...or why we change..or why anything else. But I know from 3 Nephi 10 that before the Savior came..the land was changed..not just rearranged, but changed. Permanently. So great was the change that, "the land became deformed" and "great was the change of the land" and only then were the people prepared to be greeted by the Savior. But it's those moments right before the Savior comes..the destruction, and the deformation, the "carvings" that's hard to see the meanings for...but there is meaning.

Anyway. Thanks for listening as I work to figure out who I am as a missionary, and why hard things happen, and all those others things that I question and wrestle with. I don't have it all figured out, but writing home helps me see that I'm getting there because I share a little of what I've learned. So thanks for listening fam-bam. You all mean the world to me.

Yours Forever,
Sister J

Monday, December 2, 2013

Bikibeu news...

As for your questions. How am I? So good. Right now I'm on my 6th companion -- (four real companions) but I'm in a trio right now. Sister Tarie and Sister Alafoki, but Sister Alafoki is working in a different area temporarily. Just a transfer that lasted really long. But it's so good! I keep getting changed, but I think I'm finally in the area I'm going to stay in for a while. 

I moved to Bikibeu, and the food here is really good! So I'm grateful. 

The ward is KILLER. I am in love with every single one of them. The people are good too, and I know I've got to be patient with them. In our last area, everyone progressed so fast!!  I know in this area I will need to use my patience if they don't progress as fast. 

Yesterday at church, I seriously couldn't believe that it was is just HOT here and doesn't feel like Christmas AT ALL AT ALL! Hahaha, but that's okay. Wanna know something? If everything works out like I think it will, I will be coming home around December 14, almost one year from two weeks. So I try to serve my best. One more year momma! 

Our families membership in the church means everything to me. To be able to say, "au utu ni kabane, kain te aro" (all my family is from my religion) when we introduce ourselves means so much. In fact, I could produce a visa credit card ad about all the "priceless things" I've learned on my mission..but one that I treasure the most is my family's activity in the church. I am so grateful that your faith is continuing to increase...and moving forward.

Thanks for the emails, and packages and love! 

I love you with nanou ni kabane. (all my heart)
From your little girl, who is just about to grow up!

Sister Johnson.  

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Andrew sent the following to Lizzie as part of his letter to her this week:

"This thanksgiving season I express gratitude for the things that are most important to me: my six F's:
Faith, Family, Fitness, Freedom, Finances & Friends.

• If you have food in your fridge, clothes on your back, a roof over your head and a place to sleep you are richer than 75% of the world.
• If you have money in the bank, your wallet, and some spare change you are among the top 8% of the worlds wealthy.
• If you woke up this morning with more health than illness you are more blessed than the million people who will not survive this week.
• If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the agony of imprisonment or torture, or the horrible pangs of starvation you are luckier than 500 million people alive and suffering.
• If you can read this message you are more fortunate than 3 billion people in the world who cannot read it at all."

This was Lizzie's reply:

After this email, I just started to cry because of that statement -- one that I have heard so many times before -- but it means something different now living here. The first, "If you have food in your fridge,"...because of the expense of electricity no one HAS fridges here, so of course there is no food in them...They have more like wooden dressers that they keep their food in (if they have food). "Clothes on your back"...oh the sweet people here! They will wear their clothes until they are rags...and they will wear rags until they are nothing more than a patch of fabric with rips and tears. I know I will hate looking at my closet of clothes when I come back! And lastly "A roof over your head"...I can't remember if I told you, or sent it in a weekly letter home, but I had an investigator whose roof was help up by two crutches dug into the ground. And this thanksgiving I have never had so much to be thankful for in my life. My greatest blessing is you Dad. Thank you so much for being the head of our house. Every single prayer I say, I always thank for my family...and I ALWAYS start with the head of our house, you Dad. So thank you thank you. I sure love you.

Always and Forever,
Sister Liz

Sunday, November 17, 2013

life is simple...

Some fun stories about me. in the house I live in, it's truly a Kiribati house. I have to pump my water, do my wash by hand, manually flush the toilet...everything you could dream of, isn't it? hahahaa :) but there is no other option -- I think maybe that's the luxury back at home i'm realizing I don't have...options. haha :) other than that, I really am doing so good. Learning to serve God with all my heart...

One thing that I learned this week was how to be happy with what time it is. I guess I was guilty of just wanting time to pass, so I could go home...but if I live my mission like that, it is a waste of I started to really live in EVERY day. just take one day like it was the only day I have. I've done it for a week, to just live in the day and it's been the fastest week I've had!!

This week was fantastic -  I almost taught 40 lessons, mom I THREW myself in the work. And life here is so simple...we arrived early to our dinner appointment and they weren't ready (no one has a clock here, who  would be ready?) and I got to sit and watch the sunset for forty minutes as our rice cooked. just me, cause my companion fell asleep (something that is totally fine to do, sleep anywhere, anytime, on anyone's hammock ;) and was just so grateful that life is so simple for me right now. I truly love missionary work, and it really is work :) I'm teaching most of the lessons, and then my companion cleans up all the things I forgot or didn't make sense..I can't believe i'm actually speaking in another blows my mind..I know Heavenly Father has helped me so much with this language. 

(Lizzie found out that her uncle, Robin's brother Dan, passed away this morning)

Having faith in Heavenly Father is the only thing I have here mom...and I just have faith that everything is as it should be. I know you must be feeling so much right now..I had a little moment today when I thought of you -- I asked the little neighbor boy to go buy some -- it's called, 'te ice' here -- anyway I asked him to go buy me one and buy one for himself...but mercy I thought it would save me time but I ended him watching him the whole way there and back (the little shop was in sight) I thought, "mercy, heaven help sister Johnson as a parent because I can't even let the neighbor boy go 50 yards without watching him the whole way." and how this ALL ties into each that right now mom you have to have more faith then you ever had before. your daughter is not in your sight and neither is your brother. but are we still here? yes. Yes mom, I'm just as much here as Uncle Dan is. But all you've got is your faith to see us. Growing hurts, doesn't it? It definitely stings, but I just want you to know that everyday, or about everyday I teach about the Plan of Salvation..and the Plan of Salvation is what holds our family together at this time momma.

I love you!!!!!!!!!

PS. Please thank kris and jane for the packages! This week I lost my ATM card, and so it was PERFECT timing, because I had all the food they sent! Thank you thank you to them. 


Sunday, November 10, 2013


I think Dad and Devan are the only ones that know this...maybe Mom and Sarah too if you guys are really studying PMG like you say you are ;) But guess what? Missionaries do service once a week! It's the coolest thing in the world! President Weir has set apart the appointed day of Thursday that we do service. Sometimes is lasts one hour, sometimes the whole morning...but this last week was pretty memorable. 

We got to Unia's house and asked if there was anything we could do to help. We were all dressed in grunge clothes ready to work. Unia -- and the people here -- are really shy to let foreigners help them because it's definitely outside of their culture. They have strict traditions that girls can only do girl chores and guys can only do guy chores but when we come - we come to work. She said she really had nothing for us to do, and just then her three daughters came back from their morning bath in the ocean with all sorts of fish they had caught (talk about multi-tasking..) So we started the daily routine of the people of Kiribati. We gutted the fish (and I almost threw up..but I held my white self together) salted the fish..then walked all over the islands to find fire wood. We found some, and started a fire with stones. Just kidding..but sometimes I think I wouldn't be surprised if we did. We started a fire, and then placed a sheet of metal on top of two large rocks with the fire in the middle and cooked the fish. After all this was done and the fresh fish was cooked..we ate the fish. I actually ate the fish...but only two bites, hahaha. I always have to explain to everyone, "Nanou, e kain Kiribati; ma biratou, e tiaki kain Kiribati" My heart is from Kiribati, but my stomach isn't from Kiribati. And that concluded our service...but as I thought about it as we were walking home..I was seriously so impressed with the skills of these people..yeah no one has a solid education -- but they have got street smarts like nobody's business. With only an empty bag of rice as a net they can catch a whole meal of fish..and keep the fish in the bag, and still catch more fish..and take a bath, and...MAN! And then - as most things on this island do -- it turned into a spiritual lesson for me.

I thought about when Jesus asked his apostles to leave their nets. And that scripture story clicked for me. It clicked because their nets are EVERYTHING to these people. Nobody has jobs here--the economy is literally non all they do for fun and for work is fish. And when Jesus asked them to leave their nets..He was asking them to leave the lives they knew. The kids here - from the time they are old enough to walk, bathe in the ocean and learn how to fish. Fishing is their life. They fish to LIVE, but Jesus asked the people to leave their nets..leave your life behind and come follow Him. I can understand why after Jesus died they went back to fishing -- because they had been doing that their WHOLE life long. They did not have the spiritual food that they were used to with the presence of Jesus, so they turned to physical food - to fishing. 

Maybe this was just an "ah-ha" moment for me, and it won't make sense to anyone else..but man, this mission is teaching me so much about the life of Jesus Christ.

love you to the moon and back,
sis j

Sunday, November 3, 2013


I just wanted to thank you all for your e-mails and love. I'm really sorry i don't have time to email you back individually!  We have the slooooooooooowest internet connetion I have ever seen. Sometimes I just can't get it all done in the time that we have...

Yesterday (today for you guys) is my official four month mark!!! It's november now and it only gets hotter from enjoy that cold, okay? I get to talk to you guys in one month and three weeks..and yes i'm counting..but trying not too :)

We had three baptisms on satuday which means that i've seen seven baptisms while on the island. The Lord is really preparing these people!!

got to run, so sorry again, but i love you all!

BAPTISM! Nei Tiikoro and Nei Kobaki 

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Man, time goes by so quick on email! 

I got some good emails in personally, so nothing too long for everyone -- but hey guess what? I got transferred! Remember how I just got transferred? Yepp -- getting transfered again. This mission is pretty spontanous with the transfers...they told Sister Lavulavu she is  gonna work on Christmas Island, and a couple days later she is gone! So I'm with Sister Alafoki from Tonga. Hahahahahahahaha. We are moving zones, and white washing again..and mercy our area? Takes 10 minutes to drive's huge! Well, huge if you are sisters walking by foot...but I'm not sure how email will go because I move zones, and it's all new...but I will let you know. I'm working in an area called Bairiki. Hahah, so sorry, must run but I'll email you next week!


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Life in Kiribati...

FAAAAMEELEIA! In Kiribati family is: Utu. Short and sweet. (Pronounced like you-sue..kinda)

I feel like I have so many experiences and stories to tell you and I'm trying to cram them all through this little funnel and let you see a glimpse of Kiribati, but forgive me if I do it injustice!
First thing is absolutely first. Some honesty about bad days. I've read a lot of missionary letters..some bore you to tears, and some bring you to tears but what I really respect from my cousins, friends and other missionaries are some good honesty about bad days because being on a mission, they are inevitable. I know that Dad and Mom and Criss keep asking about them, but I've never really sent emails home about them..but it's because having a "bad day" on the mission field is simply that I did something that does not allow the Holy Ghost to be with me, to teach with me, to work with me..and the day goes to wreck. Bad days are the days that I don't have courage to look my flaws square in the eyes. Bad days are when I choose to focus on how this mission is changing me and my life, rather than how it's changing my investigators lives. Bad days are days that are focused on me: either because I'm thinking of myself, or because the Lord is teaching me things I need to work on about myself.
I think the hardest day of my mission was a day that I couldn't figure out why I was here in Kiribati, I had only been on island for about two weeks and couldn't speak to anyone, didn't understand anyone, I was struggling to find foods to eat (before mom's package came) -- just mission blues, I'll tell you that. I lazily walked to our lessons, didn't contribute to any of the lessons and when we got home from a long day of work and Sister Lavulavu sat me down and said, "I have a question for you. You don't have to answer...well yes you do..Sister Johnson," and then the tone of the next question is what really stung, she asked...pretty hesitantly.. "do you even want to be here?" And when the words came out of her stung my heart..and honestly didn't know the answer to her question. Did I want to be here?... The Lord answered my question because shortly after I got very sick and flew to Fiji and had two solid weeks to think about that question. And because of how sick I was Sister Cassita asked me if I wanted to go be honorably released from my mission or if I felt strong enough to finish my mission...and I was so close to quitting. So close to blaming it on being sick and leaving..coming home to close, so scared of the living conditions, so scared of the language, so scared of everything I didn't have out here, but I choose to keep going with my mission.. And choosing to come back to Kiribati -- was the bravest decision I have ever made. 

It was brave because Kiribati is poor. I know you guys know this, but I'm telling you: It is poor. One of the poorest countries in the world. So poor that there is only one store on the entire island that sells loaves of bread, so poor that they don't even sell water bottles, so poor that 70% of what they eat is food that they can catch. At one of our investigators home, their roof is held up by two crutches dug into the sand. I don't talk a lot about things other than spiritual things because I guess living here is something that I'm still dealing with, but the Lord has blessed the missionaries in Kiribati. As missionaries we are taken care of, physically, financially, spiritually, and temporarily. We are safe. We are fed. We are well. We have soap, we have toilets that work, we have a brand new fridge -- and food in that fridge -- our next door neighbor is a policeman so we are safe, the Lord always blesses us with food...I guess I just don't want you guys to worry about me. I know you do already, so that's why I don't like telling you how I really am I hope that was what you guys meant with questions about bad days, I don't really know what you mean..but maybe that helped a little.
I think about you guys a lot, you know that? Every time I log off my email, and walk away from the computer I think..."Did I tell them enough, do they know how much I love them? Did I praise my parents for raising me right, and thank my siblings for the support and strength they are?" Out here, I don't have much..and so right now, you guys mean everything to me. Literally everything. So I just pray that any blessing that I get from serving goes to you guys. The Lord has carved out my heart a little deeper to love you guys a lot please know I just want you to know that I love you and all I want is to do good and honor the Johnson family in Kiribati. Please forgive me if I don't directly respond back to your emails, if I don't answer your questions, or if you feel excluded from what's really happening in my life...please forgive me. I just love you guys so much.
That was a lot. Last thought I have for you is to tell you how truly truly happy I am out here. I could go into details about HOW happy I am, but we'll save that for another day.
Your truly,
Sister Johnson
 Here is our baptism from two weeks ago. They were my first official baptism here on the islands, it is two sisters!! We taught them everyday for almost three weeks, and had them baptized! And the person that baptized them was a less active that we reactivated, so it was a good day as a missionary!

Sister Lavulavu and I before our baptism with Nei. She's 12 years old, 
and slowly we are completing her family!!!!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

General Conference

Dearest Family,

GENERAL CONFERENCE. I guess my spiritual thought this week doesn't come from me, but from the reality that this church is the church declared by the Apostle Paul, "One Lord. One Faith. One Baptism. One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." This church is true!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the ways I know it is by watching general conference. Wasn't it cute when Elder S. Gifford Nielson got so excited about his exclamation points? I was loving it. And I respect so much the vulnerability of President Jeffery R. Holland to speak about depression..and Elder Dube's talk! Ah. 

We had two investigators come watch general conference with us. The first a little girl named: Nei Reea. She's 12 years old and will be getting baptized soon! We're so excited about her! And the other: Moteaki..he's around 65, and he came and watched it! And then at our lesson bore his testimony that he knows that President Thomas S. Monson is a prophet called of God. The gospel feels so good!
Make it a great week!
Love, Sister J

Sunday, October 6, 2013

the Atonement...

Last night Bishop invited us to come to his house for dinner. Sister Lavulavu and I are new to the area so we wanted to prepare a special spiritual thought for them and I've just got to tell you about it. After reading in John about the account of Jesus washing the apostles feet we decided that we would wash their before dinner we started our spiritual thought. We had Bishop's wife come sit on a chair and as Sister Lavulavu read the whole account of Jesus washing his apostles feet I washed her feet.

And I felt that much closer to the Savior.
Nobody can afford shoes here, so you can imagine the average Kiribati feet. Dirt and toenails that are falling off, with scabs and scars and open wounds on their feet. And I thought that that must have been how the apostles feet were too. And I could understand why Peter would say: "Thou shalt never wash my feet." Embarrassed that the Savior would see his dirt. Embarassed that the King of Kings would bow below to wash him. But the lesson I took away from this is really a lesson about the Atonement. Do we have the humility to let Jesus see our dirt? Bishop's wife was so embarrassed that a guest at her home would wash her dirty feet...and I can understand that, but I am so grateful that I truly walked in his footsteps this week to come to understand our Savior a little bit more...but it's not just a story about feet, or the Atonement, it's a lesson on baptism, because with that water and towel, Jesus can erase our sins -- or our dirt. He said himself to Peter: "If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me."
It's my testimony that the greatest of us all has already washed our feet -- that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can be cleansed every whit. I love you, my sweet family, so much.
sister j

PS. I AM HEALTHY as can be. stronger than ever. more motivated. working hard. laughing...lots of laughing.

Sunday, September 29, 2013


Hallo Hallo! 
Lot's of news from Tarawa..the first being, I'm getting transferred with Sister Lavulavu to a new area!!!!! We're not only whitewashing...but we're taking over the Sisters and the Elders old area. Woooooooow! I'm so excited! It was really weird and hard to say goodbye to our old ward and our investigators...I just wanted to take a picture of every person I met in our area so I would remember them..but they'll all be in my heart:) A new area means all new people to learn about, to love, and to help build. I have some game plans about how to do better, mainly MORE TEACHING from Sister J. I stay pretty quiet in the lessons, but I've got to GOT to find the courage to open my mouth....The other day I was getting all frustrated about how hard this mission is..and then I know what? It can't be too hard because I will never have a door slammed in my face. Never! They don't have doors! Just just keep your chin up because slamming cardboard isn't too effective. I guess every mission has things that are trials to them, and this mission is exactly what trials I need. Enough, enough, let's have some stories.  
Here's some background for this story. There is a religion here in Kiribati straight from the devil. It's called the "Bahi" faith. It believes in everything we do, except for Jesus Christ. (Sounds a little twisted, huh?) They believe in D&C, prophets, all of it..but they only view Christ as a good man. With that in mind, we were asked by a sweet sweet old lady named Veronica to go and teach her husband who was in this faith. I was a little scared...the missionaries try to stay clear of the Bahi faith because it really is buokaka (bad). Anyway we go and meet this man, he seems nice, and we start lessons with him. Every lesson we had we just hammered him with scriptures, and thoughts, and testimonies of Jesus Christ..and after every lesson when he said the prayer he said his same memorized prayer that does not end in the name of Jesus Christ. Our last lesson with him I made these little flashcards/game: "E bebeto Tataro! Iai kateniua mwaneka" (Prayer is easy! There are three steps) 1. Address our Father in Heaven 2. Speak the things of our hearts: our gratitude, questions, and confirmation of the truths taught in our lessons. 3. Close in Jesus's name. Then they have to match the number with the step..anyway we ask Bob to say the closing prayer...and oh my heart! It was really "Bob's First Prayer" And he spoke this beautiful prayer that came so naturally...I don't really know what he said...but the feeling! I was beaming I was so happy and as he closed in the sacred name of Jesus...a missionary moment right there. I can't imagine how proud Heavenly Father is...because I was pretty dang proud of him myself!!!!!!!!!!! The truth about prayer...communicating with our Father, opening that connection to Heaven as we asks for blessings and help, aligning our will to His, seeking answers about the truth...prayers are so beautiful. I never knew how precious they were until I heard our investigators recite memorized prayers, and it just breaks my heart! Prayers are a way we talk to our Father.
There are so many other stories, and memories, and experiences but that was my favorite from this week. Listening to his first prayer.
I pray you are all safe and well back at sometimes feels scary to be so disconnected from everything back at home..but I know that God knows the begining from the end. He knows what I can and can't handle...(and right now we're definitely pushing that line..hahaha) and I know that God is our friend, and we can trust Him in times of adversity. (Something the Prophet Joseph  Smith taught.) I know He lives, I know He died.
Keep the faith sweet family, I love you all so much!
Sista Tioatin. (Kiribati name)

 Teaching this sweet family about temples! And the book of Mormon! I have a great story about this, but I'll save it for the journal and tell y'all when I get home. 

 Here's a picture of one of the most faithful families in the gospel I have EVER met. 
This cute little lady only has only leg and before she got a wheelchair she would walk with her crutches to church every week..EVERY WEEK. She loves to sing, but here in Kiribati there are no piano's (imagine trying to ship that here, haha) so this lady sets the tune for the whole congregation (she's the piano and the choirister in one! haha!) and oh how they sing! WITH THEIR WHOLE VOICE AND THEIR WHOLE HEART. They are the sweetest. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Nurse Cassita's notes

Mauri (hello) Johnson's, 
Your daughter is one amazing girl. I have loved getting to know her and taking care of her. However, I think that she has blessed me more than I have her.
She is one of the most gentle, kind and genuine people that I've ever met. 
Her follow up appointment went very well. The doctor had all the results from the lab. (the one that had to grow over 24,36 and 72 hours). Come to find out Lizzie was septic, meaning the infection had travelled into her blood stream. This would explain why the oral antibiotics were not working. Her fevers finally stopped on the 3rd day of IV antibiotics. She was released on the 4 day and will continue taking oral antibiotics for 10 days. She is doing much better but it will take some time for her to gain back all her strength. I am monitoring her closely and her wonderful companion, Sister Lavulavu will let me know of any changes.  
Lizzie and her companion moved back to their apartment and have been out teaching a few lessons. Maybe you could ask your ward to do a special fast for her. I know that she is one of our strongest missionaries and will have much to do in the near future. 
You are so very welcome for the care that I've given to your daughter. It is a privilege to serve this mighty young army out here, God's Army! They are all amazingly gifted and Strong! 
Sister Cassita 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Diagnosis & Tarawa

Hi sweet family!

I got permission to shoot you an email to tell you that I have arrived back on Tarawa safely and feeling as alive as ever. To update you more on my diagnosis: I was told three times that it was pneumonia, but after doing some more blood tests my white blood cells were 73% higher than they should normally be. What was happening was I had bronchitis and the infection had gone into my blood (septic) and I had about  24 hours before my body would have started to attack my vital organs (explains the high fevers). I was very sick! But I only stayed in the hospital for 3.5 days, where normally it would take a full 7. I had a very quick recovery -- to which I owe to all of you! Thank you for your prayers and love you sent my way! It was a miracle that I am back so quickly.

The crazy part was, I flew on the same flight as my mission President and his wife back  here! We stayed in the same hotel last night, and had dinner together with Sister Cassita! Wowza! Who gets the chance to do that? Aaaaaaand best part of the dinner: Sister Weir graduated from my very own VIEWMONT HIGH. Serious! 

Anyway, I'm here safe. I'm ready to go back to work...we have five baptisms planned for this first baptisms!

love you!!!
sister johnson

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Dear Family,
The Prayers! The Faith! I am officially released from the hospital in record time thanks to you people! Usually with cases like mine, patients stay in the hospital for 5-7 days...but I only stayed in the hospital for 3.5 days! Thank you, thank you for the miracles! 

There has been a lot of reasons that Sister Cassita and I needed to come to Fiji, it wasn't just to receive medical attention (although that was much needed :) The first was to build my faith. 

Two days before I flew out I was laying down on my bed just crying because I was in so much pain. I was getting so worn out because to even breathe was painful. I will never take breathing for advantage again. Sister Lavulavu came in and layed down on the bed with me and said, "Sister Johnson, you're not better yet? Where's your faith?" to which I honestly said, "I'm too tired to have faith." Then she sat up, looked at me in the eyes and said, "Sister Johnson, do you think the Savior was too tired to suffer for your sins?" I said, "Yes." She continued, "Then do you think that it's ever OK to be too tired for faith?" And the lesson I learned here was that someone far greater than I went through something far greater than I,and still had faith. So must I.
The second reason was to go to the Fiji Temple. It's a funny story...Sister Cassita actually snuck me out of the hospital to go. I arrived to Fiji on Thursday, and the temple's last session was on Saturday morning at 10:00 because it was closing to be cleaned for two weeks. I wasn't sure if I could go or not because they were still monitoring me pretty closely, and I always had an IV in...but Sister Cassita told the nurses she wanted to take me for a walk! Ha! A very long walk. So we casually strolled out of the hospital grounds and caught a Taxi to the temple. I still had my IV in my hand and everything! We get to the House of the Lord...and oh..the peace. I was able to take some specific questions to the House of the Lord and really caught a vision of missionary work. It was significant to me because back on my island we have an investigator who I wanted to drop. Sister Lavulavu said, "Sister Johnson, if you want to drop our investigator then that means you can't see them in the Celestial Room with you in the Temple." And she was dead right, I couldn't see their potential, I just saw their progress as slow and often reverse as it was. So to sit in the temple and think about my, it definitely changed how I think about missionary work for the better.

When Sister Cassita and I were deciding if I needed to go to Fiji or not to receive medical help I just kept feeling that there was a work I needed to do in Fiji. I just kept feeling it..and so I trusted that prompting and we came here. Well, when I first got admitted I was admitted into a room all by myself. (Which I loved because as a missionary you get zzzeeeerrrrrooooo alone time.) The next day I had a roommate move in. Her name is Dorothy Naidu Tuilevuka. At first it was like one of those movie-scences: I was asleep when she moved in, so when I woke up the curtains were drawn..she kept making strange noises...hahahaha. Anyway the nurse came in and Dorothy was complaining about it being too hot, so the nurse told her that it was because the curtains were drawn (my side of the room had the AC.) So she threw the curtains open and I met Dorothy. It was about 10:00PM and I was just finishing up some scripture and journal time. I said my hello's out of courtesy and kept writing. The nurse tended to her, then me, then she left. Dorothy asked what my name was and we started to casually talk - to which I thought we would end our conversations and go to bed - but we ended up talking until 2:30 in the morning! She told me all about her family business, her family, her life...and I got the privilege to just listen and let our friendship start. Then she was kind enough to ask about me...and when I said my name is "Sister Johnson" it's kinda a dead give-away that I've got some spiritual thought coming you way. So we started to talk religion...and oh my wordy. She is gold! She has this powerful testimony of God and Jesus Christ being separate individuals (something that I am so grateful for because most people haven't yet received the truth about that gospel principle.) I started telling her about what we believe and she kept commenting, "Oh, hey, I believe that too!" I ended up teaching her the doctrine equivalent of five lessons! And she was loving it! I won't ever forget how excited I got telling her about Eternal Families. Learning a new language has given me so much appreciation for English, so testifying in English was...exhilarating! I taught her that knowing I was part of an eternal family was the only reason I could leave my family for 18 months..and regardless what happens, I know that we will all be together again someday. After teaching her about that she said, "You know, I think Jesus crossed our paths." I agreed with her and she said, "I told the nurses hours ago to give me something to help me go to sleep, but they wouldn't! And I'm so grateful that they didn't!" Before leaving the hospital I wrote down all her information and she will be contacted shortly by the missionaries in Fiji ....I think she was the work I needed to do here :)
These are just three reasons why it was in the plan that I needed to get sick...but there are even more! I know that the Lord places us exactly where we need to be!
Oh yeah--and as for my health--I've never felt better! I am so grateful that I feel well again! I get tired easy..but that is just part of the recovery.

Thank you all again so much for the prayers, and all almost made me look silly for coming to the hospital: I was in and out so quick! Hahahahaha. Thank you, thank you. I pray the Lord sends all those blessings back to you.
Much, much, much love.
Sister Johnson
 This temple means the world to me. This is the temple that I preach and plead for my investigators to be in one sitting in the Celestial room praying for my 
investigators was more than powerful.
 This is Sister Balinathangi's home ward. It's run a lot like our ward in England...2/3rds of the congregation is related! Sister Cassita and I were asked to speak!
Recovering so fast!
 The nurses. Loved them, although they never let me sleep for more than a couple hours..hahaha. Blood pressure, temperature...medicine..pulse...constantly checking on me.
 The real reason I came to Fiji: Dorothy Naidu Tuilevuka

Friday, September 13, 2013

News from Fiji

Bula (hello) in Fijian,
  Update on your darling daughter. We arrived safely here in Suva, Fiji. Lizzie was admitted to Suva Private hospital. She was diagnosed with Pneumonia and a Strep- throat. She is receiving Gentamycin IV and has not had any signs or symptoms of an allergic reaction, I was so pleased and she was as well. The doctor has been so wonderful. They will keep her in the hospital for 5-7 days. She was smiling and laughing this evening and is in good spirits.  I told her she just had to come to Fiji to get a tune-up. She is one strong and amazing girl. I'm a Lizzie as well or Elizabeth if I'm in trouble. I hope this update is helpful. Please let me know if you are needing any more information.  Have a fabulous day.
Sister Cassita
Medical Nurse Specialist
Marshall Islands, Majuro Mission

The other sister in the photo is Sister Balenacagi. She was Sister Lavulavu's trainer and was called to be Sister Training Leader, In other words, your daughter has the best trainer in the mission. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Letter from Nurse Cassita

To the parents of Sister Johnson and all who are concerned,
My name is Sister Cassita, I have been a nurse for 14 years and have worked in many different areas in the medical field. I read you daughters’ email and can understand why you would be concerned.  I will do my best to put your mind at ease as much as possible. 

When Sister Johnson arrived here in Kiribati she had strep-throat which she told me there had been an outbreak at the MTC. She thought she was free from it but on her plane ride over to here she was miserable. After my assessment I found that she had strep throat, fever and exhaustion from no sleep, she was in a bad way. I started her on and antibiotic Keflex per Dr. Anderson's orders.

They were to call if things didn't improve and when I would ask Sister Johnson how she was doing? the reply was always, Fine.
Then last week I was prompted by the spirit to stop by. Sister Johnson was laying in bed with a high fever. She still said that she was fine. I moved her to my flat along with her companion and had her start taking the antibiotic again. 

She does not have pneumonia that I know of but that has to be confirmed with an x-ray. Our x-ray is broken right now. She definitely has caught a nasty bug on top of the strep. I will be flying with her tomorrow morning to Suva Fiji. I will stay with her 24/7. I will keep you informed of the finding and the plan for treatment, after they do a complete assessment: blood work, labs and x-rays.

All the plans are set up in Suva for our arrival and the nurse there and mission president are made aware that we are coming. Your daughter is in good hands and we will continue to do our best. 
She is not critical at this time and we don't want her to get to that point, so that is why we feel that it is best at this time to seek better health care than what is available here.

She is in good spirits and her companion has been so wonderful to lift her spirits.
Love, Sister Cassita
Medical Nurse Specialist, Marshall Islands, Majuro Mission  

Monday, September 9, 2013

Asking for prayers...:)

Family! Wowza! 
Sorry I shot you an email about the medicine and then fell asleep..and long story short I'm here at Nurse Cassita's lovely abode and have been for the past 6 days. I'm a little sick over here! It started with the strep..remember that first week with the fevers and all? Well, it never really went away. The fevers did, but then I contracted a nasty flu bug..well..this being Tarawa...there are no medications here on the islands..hahah! They literally had an empty bottle of what I needed cause I am allergic to augmentin. Mercy. (Hahah just laugh with me cause i'm doing just fine.) Anyway. I've started again with the high fevers this week so just to be safe they are launching me to Fiji to receive some medicine/medical attention. (Nurse Cassita's worry is that I am starting to develop phemonia because my right lung is filled with fluid.) I finally got it though, this isn't about being sick...this is about going through the refiners fire, but this is the time I need to be strong cause Satan doesn't want me here. I know it. I'm famous over it, it cracks me up!!!!! It's my childhood dream! Popstar Sister White rockin' the islands. Haha! 

I don't have any good stories for you cause I've been in bed for this week...but if you family at home could say some prayers headed this way that would be much appreciated. I know you say prayers for me a lot, but more specifically that I can be healed and back out to work. I only get to email you today, so I will try to give you as much information as possible cause I know that you'll have a lot of questions. Because the planes only fly out once a week, I will fly out on Thursday accompanied with Sister Cassita. Its a four hour flight and then I will go to the hospital in Suva. I've been in a lot of pain this week, a lot of crazy symptoms, but I know the veil has been thinner than I have ever known..and when I have had my hardest and lowest moments..they have also been the most Spiritual as well. 

I really will be fine, it's a test of faith for you guys as much as it is for me. So just be happy, and think of what President Monson calls the, "eternal truths."

I will email you as much as I can, but just stay in tune with the Spirit, because He'll tell you I'm doing fine :)

love you's!

sister johnson

Sunday, September 1, 2013

the Sunsets...

Lizzie's e-mails came in several pieces this week so I will share parts of it:
This is a picture of one of the beautiful sunsets I get to see every night here on Tarawa.
The picture of my placque in the bulletin board by bishop's office cracked me up! (Andrew told her the islands look like printer error spots) In Kiribati they often call Tarawa, "The Point" meaning when you point to it on a map, your finger would cover it up. Hahahhaha. There is only one road on Tarawa and the senior couples refer to it as "Highway 33" because it only runs 33 miles (the length of the island). It's barely considered a road's just white sand with only some remains of "asphalt." 
My perspective is really changing. To think I was "poor" in college living on a job that pays $8.00/hour, that had consistent hours...really shocks me. Most people have .90 cents to their name everyday. .30 for rice and .60 for fish. That's all they need, just .90 to make it through a day but some people still can't find work. There is nothing that needs a job here..because there's not really anything to do..there is only one bank on the island, only one internet cafe (that I know of) there is no such thing as stores, they are just little vendors along the road. 
Tomorrow I celebrate my two month mark! Wahoo! Have I really been on a mission for 60 days? WOW! 
Please, hold on to our family! Being out here makes me realize...families and the gospel...that's all we need..and that's all that's important. 
I'm so glad that you got that confirmation Dad during my setting apart about me being safe. The other night I got really scared because there is a lot of theft here because everyone is so poor...and I couldn't fall asleep cause I kept hearing noises...but then I remembered that you recieved a strong I said a prayer to help my faith be strong and I was able to go to bed. So thank you again, it gave me a good nights rest. (And we really have been safe. The Lord protects us, and I KNOW there are guardian angels watching over me like President Christensen promised!!). 
Send my love to everyone! Sister J 

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Faith & Pillows

Dear family,

Stories for you...but if I share these experiences with you you've gotta promise me that you will be respectful of my people here in Kiribati. This email is about the financial conditions they face, so please keep in mind that they are such a happy people..with or without..and that some of them don't know any better. With that...

My first story this week is one that happened when our water pipe broke. We didn't know it broke until our sweet neighbor came and knocked on our old door. "Sisters," he said in ENGLISH, "My tithing...if you're not using the water please turn it off, that is my tithing." For some reason, that hit me straight to the heart...these people are so sweet, and what little they have they give to the church. I'm so thankful for their example to me. It makes me understand the principal of tithing so much more. I hope that I will never complain the 10% that I give to the Lord..because that 10% is all some people have here. 

Second story is when we visited a man we call Pineapple (I'm actually not sure why we call him that..) He heard that I was "not quite adjusted" to the Kiribati food so he made us wake up early to make us pancakes. They were the best pancakes I have ever had..and they weren't even real pancakes, hahaha. Sister Lavulavu commented, "Pineapple, these are so could sell them and be rich!" His response is what stayed with me. He said, "I don't want to be rich, I want to be what I am." This is a family that doesn't have any of the luxuries we have at home; but I am so thankful for his wisdom is being content with what he is.

The last story for this week is one that is real tender to me.

His name is Tenti. He lives with his mother, and stepfather here on the island of Tarawa. He has no formal education, and cannot read. He is twenty one years old. We've been teaching him about the gospel and I didn't know if we were actually getting anywhere with him. He is so quiet, he barely speaks at ALL. We could have a whole 45 minute lesson and he only says a couple of sentances. Anyway, that's a little background on him. We had a lesson with him and then asked him if he needed anything. The majority of his words came from his reply, "I have no home, and my family has no money for food." -- Oh sweet family, I looked my brother in the eyes and saw poverty. My first real experience with poverty. After discussing everything we could do for him (and still following the rules in the white handbook) we decided to give him a pillow and teach him about faith. As we gave him the pillow we taught him that although he coulnd't see his home...that this pillow was his first step... just as faith we cannot always see everything..we have hope that one day we will. We told him that we would help him find a house through the efforts of our ward and do all we can...but this pillow was the first start. We taught him that every night when he lays his head on his pillow to think of Jesus Christ and how to have faith in him.
I love these people so much! I hope these stories helped you see a little more of the life in Tarawa..and how we all can learn from these people.
keep the faith!!
sister johnson

 I love the kids here!!!
 oh this lady, her name is "Mama" and I can't begin to describe her. She really is a mama to everyone. She makes us food...yesterday I'm pretty sure we had dolphin...? 
Not quite sure over here, you never know :)

aaaaand the chapel! oh  blessed chapel!